Monday, 16 July 2012

Gemini and Aquarius

Leo is a fire sign and shares its element with Aries and Sagittarius. This is a very good place to start when looking for star sign matches as you will have many things in common with fellow fire signs.

Leo/Aries. This is a very hot and full of fire pairing. You both have so much energy there will be more sparks than at a bonfire display. You are both very creative souls and will help and support each other. Aries may not be accustomed to someone who is as powerful as themselves, but they will relish it. There maybe a problem if this Aries thinks gemini and aquarius are going to lead the relationship, there is only one leader when a Leo is in the room. Sexually there will be constant fireworks... and bells and whistles too!

Best match: Any Aries will fit the bill.

Love star sign rating:Supa Nova!

Leo/Sagittarius. You will get along like a house on fire. From the moment you meet it will be like you have been friends forever. But more than this you will be soul mates. An intimacy and understanding will be shared that is like no other you have known. Sagittarius can be brutally honest but you will like this and never be offended. You will travel well together. Sexually you will feel that there is nothing better.

Best match: 14 to 21 Dec

Love star sign rating:Cosmic!

The next best place to find star sign matches is in the element that is compatible with you. Leo is fire and fire is compatible with air which contains: Libra, Gemini and Aquarius.

Leo/Gemini. Gemini make great friends with Leo. aquarius and gemini fulfill you with their intellect and emotions. You need to balance your desires for centre stage if you are to succeed as a couple as Gemini needs the spotlight too, though not as desperately as you do. If you can focus the Gemini mind on what is important you could go far. Sexually you will be a good match.

Best match: Gemini born 14 to 21 June

Love star sign rating:Could work, with work!

Leo/Libra. Air and fire can be a very good combination for the long-term, you will have no problem communicating with each other. Together you will be the life and soul of any party or gathering and may find that wherever you are you seem to be surrounded by admirers who are simply feeding off the energy that you two supply. Sexually you will be well matched and it should be loving and fulfilling.

Best match: Libra born 5 to 12 Oct

Love star sign rating:In orbit!

Leo/Aquarius. You are a hot fire sign and very social and outgoing, Aquarius are less inclined to react in the same way and may find your constant desire to be the centre of attention simply too much. Compromise is going to be required from both sides if you are not going to be constantly opposing each other. Aquarius is your opposite sign but this can often be a good pairing. Sexually you will not have problems getting along.

Best match: Aquarius born 21 to 29 Jan

Love star sign rating:Will take some work!

The next star sign match possibility is with your own sign of Leo.

Leo/Leo. There is a lot of heat and power in this combination. This will either take you to another universe or it will crash and burn at your feet. The big problem is dominance. Who is going to be the top dog? If you can compromise and get beyond your self-centred pride then the result could be staggering. Sexually you are on fire.

Best match: Leo born 7 to 15 Aug

Love star sign rating: worth a punt!
Libra is an air sign which has a positive polarity. Libra shares its air element with Gemini and Aquarius and this is a good place to begin looking for star sign compatibility.

Libra/Gemini.This match looks set to be a good one. You will be the best of friends as you have so much in common. You are both influenced by the intellectual and there will be many lively debates. You both like to be busy although Gemini could be a little too active even for you at times. Sexually you will connect without any problems

Best match: Gemini born 22 to 30 May

Love star sign rating:It's a hot one!

Libra/Aquarius.This is a good pairing for Librans. You will feed an immediate connection with Aquarius which could have a magical feel. Discussions will be many and varied but never boring! You are both sociable and love company. Aquarius may be just a little too permissive even for you with their relaxed attitude to sex but you will be vibrant together.

Best match: Aquarius born 1 to 9 Feb

Love star sign rating:Heading for orbit!

Next we must look to compatible elements to find star sign matches. Air is compatible with fire and fire contains: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Libra/Aries.There are a lot of differences between you and Aries. The ram is bold and forceful and not afraid to make decisions. You will hesitate to follow them as they jump into things before you can analyze them. This may cause Aries to question your loyalties. Sexually there could be a lot of fire between you if Aries has the patience to wait for you to warm up.

Best match: Aries born 21 to 29 March

Love star sign rating:Could be tricky!

Libra/Leo.There will be a lot of emotional warmth between the two of you and sexual fire too. You are sociable and outgoing and you love company and Leo will love you for all of this as gemini aquarius compatibility like to be at the centre of all that is going on. There will be a very strong bond between you both and sexually you will be electric together.

Best match; Leo born 23 July to 2 Aug

Love star sign rating:Fireball!

Libra/Sagittarius.Life will be easy for you with a Sagittarius. Conversation will flow and your minds will seem linked together. There will be lots of love and excitement and if you travel together you will go far! Sexually you will be loving and intimate but Sag must be patient with you as you are not so free natured as they are.

Best match: Sagittarius born 1 to 11 Dec

Love star sign rating: Orbiting together!

The next star sign match to check out is with Libra itself. This is known as the conjunction pairing.

Libra/Libra.Conjunction pairings can be a problem. You will have respect for each other of course but being so alike in character means that every day decision making may be difficult. Sort these things out and you will save a lot of problems. There will be much happiness as you both are full of easy going charisma and Venus your ruling planet will keep you smiling together. Sexually there will be love and intimacy overflowing.

Best match: You could do well with any Libran

Love star sign rating:High possibilities!
Marriages is not a bond for a day or two, it is the relation, which binds the bride and groom for a time which lasts for lifetime. In India, marriages are given great importance and people take pride in performing the marriage rituals with all the traditional ways and ceremonies. Indian marriages are said to have the longest celebration, which last from days to months. The bride and groom have different ceremonies at their respective houses and even many ceremonies are celebrated in common, which have family members from both the sides. All the ceremonies have their individual importance and are considered imperative to be performed for the well- being of the married couple. One more step, which is taken usually in the starting of the marriage, is the matching of the horoscopes of the bride and groom.

Matching the horoscope of the bride and groom, before fixing the wedding bond is taken as the most essential step towards the future of the marriage. In a way, it is the judgemental step, whether the bride and the groom would be able to spend their whole life together. After tying the wedding bond, they are supposed to be together for life long, for which a lot depends on the compatibility of the horoscopes of the bride and groom. Coming to the matching of horoscope compatibility of Gemini with Aquarius, they both have a lot in common and have similar approaches towards life. The marriage relation between the Gemini and Aquarius is believed to move and grow smoothly as both have common interests and compliment each others intellectuality. They take great interest in each others viewpoint and talks, which makes their relation more strong and leads to the development of a great wedding bond.

There are obviously problems or differences in their married life, but none of them has the capability to create differences between them. Another thing, which is very important for the healthy married life is the need of space in the relation to breathe. It is highly imperative that the bride and groom enjoys their personal space and have the freedom to live life in their own ways. This gives the time to the person to recollect himself and come to his original being, so that he is able to give his best in the marriage relation. In case of the Gemini and Aquarius, both respect each other's privacy and therefore share a great bonding for marriage. Life should always be filtered with joyful moments, which could be cherished by the whole family for long.

Also, they are very much in favour of innovative and creative attitude towards life, due to which they enjoy each moment of life and support each other in their innovations towards life. This also adds the flavour of fun and newness in their lives. The unpredictable and the independent nature of Gemini is appreciated by the Aquarius, which adds to surprises and lovely moments in their married life. Geminis are very passionate and positive towards the sustainability of the element of romance in their married life. Aquarius needs to learn this and earn proficiency in the romantic ways to lure his life partner. Aquarians need to make sure that his uninteresting and unromantic nature does not lead to the diminishing of the romantic zeal of the Gemini, as it is a very essential factor for gearing up the marriage relation. Like all other marriages, this marriage bond is also sure to face some hiccups, but if the both the bride and groom understand each other and think for each other's happiness and prosperity, then they can manage to live a happy married life.

Gemini Man Sagittarius Woman

If you were born under that special sign, are you curious about what your love horoscope for Sagittarius is going to be this year? Does romance play a big part in your life and are you a believer in what your horoscope predicts? When you read your horoscope, do you try to do whatever you can to make the positive predictions come true? If you are a true believer in horoscopes, you'll be very intrigued when you find out what the love horoscope for Sagittarius for this year reveals.

It's A "Love" Year

The news in the love horoscope for Sagittarius is truly exciting as the forecast shows that this year is going to be filled with romance and intimacy. As a fire sign, you are a passionate and sensitive lover as well as being a faithful partner. But even so, the temptation is high to put career and work ahead of relationships. A Sagittarius' partner will have to be patient and loving to ensure the relationship maintains its position of importance.

But with the stronger influence of certain planetary elements, this year is shaping up to be one where passion and romance are in the driver's seat. If you're a Sagittarius or you are in a relationship with one, you will want to take full advantage before this fires sign reverts to its usual behavior.

Kindness, Compassion, And Emotional Well-Being

This is a unique time for a Sagittarius. This year is going to see some out of the ordinary events in the areas of home, work, and most importantly, love. For example, at times throughout this year, there will be a focus on kindness, compassion and emotional well-being. When those times occur, take full advantage of them, as gemini man sagittarius woman are intermittent on this astrological calendar.

If you are in a stable relationship, you'll enjoy a sense of real emotional stability. If you are still looking for love, you may find it by attending or taking part in a charitable event of some kind. Although a Sagittarius is not always the most intuitive person, you will know when you've met that person who could be a potential partner for you.

Throughout the year, there will be times when it's possible for new life to be breathed into a stale relationship. It may be so wonderful that it might even feel like a second honeymoon. Along with that will come the rediscovery of the fiery passion that may have gone missing. Yes, as a Sagittarius, you have lots to look forward to on the love front this year.

Good News For Single Women

If you're not in a relationship, things can get interesting as you vie with others over potential partners. If nothing comes of it, at least it's been entertaining and fun.

As the year progresses, finances take on a bigger role and greater stability returns for those who have been rocked by poor return on investments in years past. That's why there is such a struggle between the world of your personal life and the world of work, at times. Sagittarius wants to make up for past losses, so the urge to work longer and harder is there, especially since things are finally beginning to turn around financially.

Remember what the love horoscope for Sagittarius has revealed and be sure to balance all areas of your life.

Want to learn how to make the most out of your love life this year? Then I'd love to help you!
It can take a while for a Sagittarius woman to commit but once they do, they are very loyal partners and will honor that commitment. Sagittarians look for people who either have a lot of things in common with them or someone who can make them experience something new continuously. gemini woman sagittarius man love to party and have fun so they wouldn't settle for just about anyone. Below are some of the best romantic matches for a Sagittarian female.

Aries Male. This is perhaps the best match for a Sagittarius female. The female Archer may like to flirt but an Aries male won't be too possessive of her because both of them love meeting and hanging out with new people. These two will throw great parties or small gatherings that all of their guests will enjoy. They are both intellectual types too although an Aries male will be more passionate about an issue than the Sagittarius female might be. Usually Sagittarians are the last to commit to anything but if Aries can keep them interested (which they can) the female Archer will soon be accustomed to a more long term relationship. Because of a lot of similarities between the two of them, they will have a very harmonious relationship and can lead to a marriage made in heaven.

Leo Male. Leos are creative and idealistic. That is probably the biggest advantage that they have in winning a Sagittarian female's heart. Leo's have a very bright outlook in love and life. He is intellectual and philosophical like the Sagittarian. sagittarius woman gemini man too have a lot in common. A Leo is a fixed sign while Sagittarius is mutable. It will be easy for a Leo to manipulate or drive a Sagittarian towards a goal that he thinks is best for the two of them. This is one sign that a carefree Sagittarian female will work with. Leos are born to be leaders and a Sagittarian is easy to guide. In bed, Leos like things spontaneous. This works for a Sagittarius because spontaneity is her middle name. The biggest possible problem they will encounter is that the Sagittarian female can sometimes say things a Leo does not care to share with just about anyone. If they can fix these little differences then expect another long term relationship from these two.

Aquarius Male. Aquarius males make fun look like double the actual fun he gets. This is another air sign and air can guide the fire sign Sagittarius to the way they want. There will be little jealousy on this relationship because both love meeting new people and partying until the wee hours of the morning. An Aquarius guy might have a detached nonchalant attitude about things which is fine with a female Sagittarius.

Libra Male. The air sign Libra is more focused and likes to be in control. The Sagittarius female, which is also a fire sign, would let him take the reign and guide her to the direction he wants to take. The female archer will never get bored with the ever changing ideas of a male Libran. She will find it exciting since she is a risk taker and Librans would not stop her from her adventurous ways.

Sagittarius Male. Both signs can make great partners in crime. They know how each other are and what each other like so it will be easy for them to adjust and in most cases they don't have to adjust anymore since they understand where each other are coming from. They both love to party and have fun. They are idealists, creative, loves living life and has a passion for freedom and space. This relationship will be like a roller coaster but will also be worth it for the two of them.
Who matches Gemini, a Virgo man or a Virgo woman?

Gemini and Virgo generally enjoy a good rapport. They are both intellects and hence they enjoy a good conversation. The only major drawback is that Virgo is responsible in matters of importance while their partner is quite impulsive.

Gemini Woman and Virgo Man.

These two will have a good time as they can both share their ideas, thoughts and feelings about life in general. When it comes to their personal lives however, their interests may greatly clash. The Virgo man's sincerity and responsibility may not auger well with the woman's extreme out-going nature and her poor planning. He may feel that these traits are too much to deal with and he is unlikely to consider her for a wife.

Gemini Man and Virgo Woman.

The woman will be a sight to behold at first sight. This will make the Virgo woman treasure the relationship and so at the beginning, it will be pure bliss. However, this won't be for long since a Gemini is always looking for something new and hence will start looking around for a new catch. This won't work with the Virgo woman who is naturally jealous. She will always be telling him what he needs to do in order to change and he will feel as though she is simply nagging him. This duo is likely to have a smooth beginning but the sparkle fades away a bit too fast.

Unfortunately, both zodiacs share a common negative trait whereby they are not able to express their inner feelings with ease. All factors considered however, Gemini Woman and Virgo Man are likely to work better. As much as they may have differences, the woman is usually somewhat changeable. The Virgo who is usually the more responsible of the two can try and guide the woman's roving eye to focus on the relationship.

Sagittarius Gemini Compatibility

As far as astrology goes, it's fair to say that the compatibility for Gemini and Sagittarius doesn't look too good. However, even those with the strongest of faiths in the Zodiac will understand that any signs can fit together with the right attitude. This article will help you get the best chances together.

Gemini is the best star sign.. Why? Because I am one! I want to talk, learn, take in the world, have deep discussions about all kinds of issues. If there is one good thing about Gemini and Sagittarius together it is that both signs share this interest in knowledge. Score! Focus on this and keep the discussion going as much as possible.

Both Gemini and Sagittarius are generally very social and popular. This is probably not such a good thing, as Gemini may get jealous. Also, there may not be a lot of time for "alone time". Try to make plans to be together. Make sure you get at least a full day alone together each week.

What is probably the most difficult when it comes to this couple is that Gemini is always on the lookout for adventure and the dangerous, whilst Sagittarius would prefer family things that may seem not so exciting. If an argument about these 2 things arises, prepare for hell to break lose, as both signs can get argumentative.

Luckily, both signs love sex, and this should be absolutely explosive for both involved. Gemini is turned on by the new and exciting, and Sagittarius is a passionate lover. Keep the sex regular and enjoyable, and enjoy maximum luck with this relationship.
If you are searching for your compatible star sign matches there are some categories of love star signs that are more compatible with you than others. The best place to start looking is at star signs that share the same element as you. The elements are: fire, air, earth and water. Gemini is an air sign which has a positive polarity and you share this element with Libra and Aquarius.

Gemini/Libra. Phew! What a combination. The two of you will be crazy about each other from the beginning and right through. Your planets of Mercury and Venus are great companions in the heavens and you two will feel likewise on Earth. Libra will admire your intelligence and quick wit and you will share many interests and activities together. You are both very active and dislike standing still and letting the grass grow. Sexually all the bells will be ringing.

Best match: any Libran will fit the bill

Love star sign rating: out of this world!

Gemini/Aquarius. You will make a strong connection with Aquarius both intellectually and emotionally. Uranus rules Aquarius and this brings energy and passion to the table. Aquarians live by their own rules and do not like to be bound, this will attract your freedom loving ideals. There may be a slight problem if Aquarius feels you are not deep enough or too fly by night. You can communicate well so talk things through. Sexually you are on fire.

Best match: Aquarius born 21 to 29 Jan

Love star sign rating: fireball!

If your star sign match is not in this grouping then the next best place to look is the sextile pairing. This occurs when two star signs come together who are in different but compatible elements. Gemini is air and its compatible element is fire. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius make up fire.

Gemini/Aries.This is a pairing which has plenty of stimulation for Aries and who will in turn excite the senses of Gemini. There will be lots of laughter and frivolity between you. You both have a lot of energy but Aries has more so be careful that you do not tire yourself out. Your friendship will be very special and Aries will inspire your mind and inflame your passion. You may find that love doesn't work but your friendship will abound. However, sexually you will be an inferno and have lots of fun.

Best match: Aries born 10 to 20 April

Love star sign rating: Hot!

Gemini/Leo. Air and fire is a good combination with Gemini fanning the flames of Leo's emotions and passions. Leo likes the centre stage and this might cause some chaffing from time to time. Socially you will blend well together as you both love company. Sexually you will be very passionate together. You will have to bend to Leos iron will many times but you wont mind doing this.

Best match: Leos born 4 to 14 Aug

Love star sign rating:Could go the distance!

Gemini/Sagittarius. Sagittarius is your opposite sign and some people say that opposites attract; it is certainly true in this case. There will be plenty of movement and change in your relationship and boredom will never play a part. Intellectually you will stimulate each other and the Sagittarius philosophical side will appeal to your intellect. You both love to Travel so if travel is on the cards you could not have a better companion. Sexually you will find stimulation and excitement with a Sagittarius.

Best match: Sagittarius born 11 to 21 Dec

Love star sign rating;Magical!

There is another category of star sign compatibility and that is the conjunction category where two signs that are the same come together.

Gemini/Gemini. This will be a great match and you will get along together famously. Interests and activities will be shared and conversations will be long and absorbing. Gemini is the sign of the twins and this second Gemini will be your spiritual twin. Problems will arise with you both being air signs and not being grounded. If one of you can take control and take care of the essential things in life like finances then this will work well. Sexually you will have fun and games.

Best match: all Gemini's

Love star sign rating:high flying
While choosing friends or life partner, one cannot ignore the importance of zodiac compatibility. Analysis of Aries daily horoscope compatibility with other zodiac signs can provide certain insights about the possibilities of a great going relationship. Arians are naturally straightforward, outwardly passionate and possessive. Thus an Arian will find it easy to fall in love with another Arian. However, since Arians are natural leaders and highly self-confident, there can be serious differences, quarrels and arguments. Arians are naturally generous and hence both of the Arian partners need to be cautious about their financial management.

A Taurus personality is more patient and slower in adapting with situations. In a relationship between an Arian and a Taurus personality, the Aries personality will straightforwardly and confidently express his or her love while the Taurus personality will take time to accept that affection.

Aries daily horoscope will suggest that sagittarius gemini compatibility match well with a Gemini personality. However, Aries being highly self confident, may seem to be autocratic to a Gemini personality. Arians need to be considerate and polite towards a Gemini partner.

An Aries personality will take time to develop a good relationship with a Cancer personality however, an Arian can easily fall in love with a Leo personality. Both Arians and Leo personalities are adventurous and daring and hence if they are in a relationship, gemini and sagittarius compatibility will enjoy their time with each other. Being adventurous and decisive, Arians and Leo persons work well in business relationships involving high risk, financial ups and downs, and investments or advertizing.

Aries daily horoscope suggests that Aries and Virgo are quite different personalities and it is difficult for them to attract each other. In a relationship, both Aries and Virgo need to be very devoted and considerate to make it working. Aries and Libra are highly compatible personalities as sagittarius and gemini compatibility complement each other with their specific qualities. Similarly, Aries and Scorpio also find it easy to mingle with each other. Yet, in case a relationship between an Arian and a Scorpio personality goes bad, both of them can be very revengeful enemies.

Sagittarius personalities are the ideal partners for Arians. Both of them fall in love with high passion and commitment while providing enough space and individuality for each other. A Capricorn personality can also be a good partner for an Arian as the Capricorn will like the optimism or an Arian while Aries will enjoy the benefits of cool headedness and patience of a Sagittarius. Similarly, Arians and Aquarius are suitable partners but Arians will find it difficult to be in a relationship with a Pisces personality as both personalities are quite different from each other. Aries daily horoscope can prove to be helpful to understand the trends of a healthy and successful relationship between an Arian personality and a personality of other zodiac signs.

As far as astrology goes, it's fair to say that the compatibility for Gemini and Sagittarius doesn't look too good. However, even those with the strongest of faiths in the Zodiac will understand that any signs can fit together with the right attitude. This article will help you get the best chances together.

Gemini is the best star sign.. Why? Because I am one! I want to talk, learn, take in the world, have deep discussions about all kinds of issues. If there is one good thing about Gemini and Sagittarius together it is that both signs share this interest in knowledge. Score! Focus on this and keep the discussion going as much as possible.

Both Gemini and Sagittarius are generally very social and popular. This is probably not such a good thing, as Gemini may get jealous. Also, there may not be a lot of time for "alone time". Try to make plans to be together. Make sure you get at least a full day alone together each week.

What is probably the most difficult when it comes to this couple is that Gemini is always on the lookout for adventure and the dangerous, whilst Sagittarius would prefer family things that may seem not so exciting. If an argument about these 2 things arises, prepare for hell to break lose, as both signs can get argumentative.

Luckily, both signs love sex, and this should be absolutely explosive for both involved. Gemini is turned on by the new and exciting, and Sagittarius is a passionate lover. Keep the sex regular and enjoyable, and enjoy maximum luck with this relationship.
If you are searching for your compatible star sign matches there are some categories of love star signs that are more compatible with you than others. The best place to start looking is at star signs that share the same element as you. The elements are: fire, air, earth and water. Gemini is an air sign which has a positive polarity and you share this element with Libra and Aquarius.

Gemini/Libra. Phew! What a combination. The two of you will be crazy about each other from the beginning and right through. Your planets of Mercury and Venus are great companions in the heavens and you two will feel likewise on Earth. Libra will admire your intelligence and quick wit and you will share many interests and activities together. You are both very active and dislike standing still and letting the grass grow. Sexually all the bells will be ringing.

Best match: any Libran will fit the bill

Love star sign rating: out of this world!

Gemini/Aquarius. You will make a strong connection with Aquarius both intellectually and emotionally. Uranus rules Aquarius and this brings energy and passion to the table. Aquarians live by their own rules and do not like to be bound, this will attract your freedom loving ideals. There may be a slight problem if Aquarius feels you are not deep enough or too fly by night. You can communicate well so talk things through. Sexually you are on fire.

Best match: Aquarius born 21 to 29 Jan

Love star sign rating: fireball!

If your star sign match is not in this grouping then the next best place to look is the sextile pairing. This occurs when two star signs come together who are in different but compatible elements. Gemini is air and its compatible element is fire. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius make up fire.

Gemini/Aries.This is a pairing which has plenty of stimulation for Aries and who will in turn excite the senses of Gemini. There will be lots of laughter and frivolity between you. You both have a lot of energy but Aries has more so be careful that you do not tire yourself out. Your friendship will be very special and Aries will inspire your mind and inflame your passion. You may find that love doesn't work but your friendship will abound. However, sexually you will be an inferno and have lots of fun.

Best match: Aries born 10 to 20 April

Love star sign rating: Hot!

Gemini/Leo. Air and fire is a good combination with Gemini fanning the flames of Leo's emotions and passions. Leo likes the centre stage and this might cause some chaffing from time to time. Socially you will blend well together as you both love company. Sexually you will be very passionate together. You will have to bend to Leos iron will many times but you wont mind doing this.

Best match: Leos born 4 to 14 Aug

Love star sign rating:Could go the distance!

Gemini/Sagittarius. Sagittarius is your opposite sign and some people say that opposites attract; it is certainly true in this case. There will be plenty of movement and change in your relationship and boredom will never play a part. Intellectually you will stimulate each other and the Sagittarius philosophical side will appeal to your intellect. You both love to Travel so if travel is on the cards you could not have a better companion. Sexually you will find stimulation and excitement with a Sagittarius.

Best match: Sagittarius born 11 to 21 Dec

Love star sign rating;Magical!

There is another category of star sign compatibility and that is the conjunction category where two signs that are the same come together.

Gemini/Gemini. This will be a great match and you will get along together famously. Interests and activities will be shared and conversations will be long and absorbing. Gemini is the sign of the twins and this second Gemini will be your spiritual twin. Problems will arise with you both being air signs and not being grounded. If one of you can take control and take care of the essential things in life like finances then this will work well. Sexually you will have fun and games.

Best match: all Gemini's

Love star sign rating:high flying
While choosing friends or life partner, one cannot ignore the importance of zodiac compatibility. Analysis of Aries daily horoscope compatibility with other zodiac signs can provide certain insights about the possibilities of a great going relationship. Arians are naturally straightforward, outwardly passionate and possessive. Thus an Arian will find it easy to fall in love with another Arian. However, since Arians are natural leaders and highly self-confident, there can be serious differences, quarrels and arguments. Arians are naturally generous and hence both of the Arian partners need to be cautious about their financial management.

A Taurus personality is more patient and slower in adapting with situations. In a relationship between an Arian and a Taurus personality, the Aries personality will straightforwardly and confidently express his or her love while the Taurus personality will take time to accept that affection.

Aries daily horoscope will suggest that they match well with a Gemini personality. However, Aries being highly self confident, may seem to be autocratic to a Gemini personality. Arians need to be considerate and polite towards a Gemini partner.

An Aries personality will take time to develop a good relationship with a Cancer personality however, an Arian can easily fall in love with a Leo personality. Both Arians and Leo personalities are adventurous and daring and hence if they are in a relationship, they will enjoy their time with each other. Being adventurous and decisive, Arians and Leo persons work well in business relationships involving high risk, financial ups and downs, and investments or advertizing.

Aries daily horoscope suggests that Aries and Virgo are quite different personalities and it is difficult for them to attract each other. In a relationship, both Aries and Virgo need to be very devoted and considerate to make it working. Aries and Libra are highly compatible personalities as they complement each other with their specific qualities. Similarly, Aries and Scorpio also find it easy to mingle with each other. Yet, in case a relationship between an Arian and a Scorpio personality goes bad, both of them can be very revengeful enemies.

Sagittarius personalities are the ideal partners for Arians. Both of them fall in love with high passion and commitment while providing enough space and individuality for each other. A Capricorn personality can also be a good partner for an Arian as the Capricorn will like the optimism or an Arian while Aries will enjoy the benefits of cool headedness and patience of a Sagittarius. Similarly, Arians and Aquarius are suitable partners but Arians will find it difficult to be in a relationship with a Pisces personality as both personalities are quite different from each other. Aries daily horoscope can prove to be helpful to understand the trends of a healthy and successful relationship between an Arian personality and a personality of other zodiac signs.

Gemini and Sagittarius

Finding the perfect match for marriage is a problem, which is faced by all the boys and girls, while searching the perfect match for them. Marriage is the most important decision of life, which involves a lot of thinking and researching process, which ends up with the achievement of a compatible life partner. The bride and the groom are tested on various scales, before their marriage gets finally fixed. It is very important that the nature and the other characteristics of the prospective bride and groom matches, so that gemini and sagittarius have a better and an understood journey of married life. Especially, in case of the arranged marriages in India, the bride and the groom need to make a lot of adjustments to let their marriage float smoothly in the river of happiness and joy. Both the families of the bride and groom are required to judge s number of things, before finalizing the marriage decision.

The marriage is a decision, which stays with the person for life long and which has the power to build up the life of the person in a beautiful manner. Marriage is not only the most important, but is also the most beautiful decision of life, which makes life far more fascinating and interesting, the bride and the groom in any case have to adjust with each other to make their life easy to be able to make it worth living. Matching the compatibility of brides and grooms is the first step, which the Indian families take towards the marriage of their children. Moving ahead with the articles on the marriage compatibility now comes the turn of matching the compatibility of Gemini with Libra. Both Gemini and Libran have many things in common and share a good rapport between each other. sagittarius and gemini both love going out with people and enjoying parties and are extremely caring and fun loving towards their friends and relatives.

A marriage relation is sure to stick for long, if the bride and groom share great bonding of love and care between each other. Same is the case here, with Gemini and Libra, as gemini sagittarius compatibility love to spend time with each other and their loved ones. Another thing, which they share in common, is their decision making power. Both of them find it difficult to give verdicts on different situations. A marriage bond, between Gemini and Libra is said to be so strong that are even capable of understanding each other silence. It adds to the flavor of compatibility between the bride and groom, if silence gets the power of subordinating words of love and affection. Partying and communicating with people, is one thing, which the Gemini and the Libra are happy in and makes their married life livelier.

If a married couple enjoys each others company, then it way offs the difficulties and tensions from their lives. Same is the case with Gemini and Libra married couple, as both love to spend time with each and are quite comfortable in having intellectual conversation with each other. The discussions between both of them can result into great inferences, which are intelligent enough to impress the people around them. Librans are more romantic and fills the marriage relation with all the elements of love and romance, whereas the Gemini will put laughter and fun into their married life. This ways, where both the partners, contribute equally towards the betterment of the relation, the marriage life is sure to attain the stage of indestructible and keep the bride and groom contended in their married life. moreover, both of them are believed to have great personalities, which works as an add-on towards the attraction and the bond, they share with each other.
The first eclipse is a partial solar eclipse on June 1st at 11 degrees of Gemini. This eclipse will greatly affect Gemini and Sagittarius, but it will also impact all the air signs, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. That's because this eclipse is at a trine aspect to Saturn in Libra which is an air sign. If you've been working very assiduously towards your goals, you may find that you receive long overdue rewards for your efforts. Wherever this falls in your chart will indicate where you may receive acknowledgment for your hard work. If you haven't been focused enough, then you will have an opportunity to create a new structure in order to move forward in that life area more effectively.

The next eclipse is a total lunar eclipse on June 15th at 24 degrees Sagittarius. As this is a total eclipse rather than a partial one, this has even more power than the previous one in Gemini. There will be considerable changes in your life and you may be expected to learn something new, maybe learn some new skills, possibly move to a new area or even a different country. Try not to resist the changes and this eclipse will not disrupt your life too severely. On a global level, there could be issues with travel, technology, computers, cars, planes, trains, roads and general communications.

The last eclipse is a partial solar eclipse on July 1st at 9 degrees Cancer. This is potentially the most challenging of all three as it makes some difficult aspects with the other planets. It will greatly affect the cardinal signs: Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra. Depending on where it falls in your chart it could mean relationship problems, changes in your relationships especially with your family. It could mean a move and financial challenges, even your health may be affected. There is also the potential for huge profits from a business and also to meet your soul mate. These energies are very powerful and have an affect for at least six months or longer.

<strong>Eclipses and What They Mean in Your Life:</strong>
Look at your chart and see where the eclipse falls and you will have a period of about a year in which this life area will be stimulated. You will feel as though you don't have much choice, but you have to deal with issues facing you now and you cannot procrastinate any longer. There's usually a build up period of six months before the actual eclipse and consequences that need to be dealt with in the six months following the eclipse.

1st-7th house axis
You need to find balance between your relationships and yourself. You will be facing issues around courage, confidence, and independence. Here are some possible outcomes:
An increased drive to take charge of your life.
A complete change of your personal appearance, your body, and your self image
You learn how to stand on your own two feet
You may marry or have a separation
A push to stronger identity and greater autonomy

2nd-8th house axis
You'll want to find a balance between your own security needs and comfort with the needs of other people. Your finances come into sharp focus:
How well have you taken care of your finances?
Do you need to make some changes?
Are you spending more than you earn?
Are you relying on someone else for your security?
Prioritise your values and make sure you live in accordance with them
Take actions so that you can feel safer and more secure. You may learn that it's not necessarily material things that make you feel secure.

3rd-9th house axis
Issues surrounding learning and sharing knowledge will come into focus. You may need to pay more attention to your immediate environment. Things you may face:
A need to become more active and involved in your immediate environment
Learn how to expand your horizons and look beyond your own world
Force yourself out of a rut and stale habit patterns
Start to communicate more effectively
Learn something new
Teach something new
Prioritize your values and ensure you are living according to those values
Make connections with people from an entirely different background than yours - either personal or business.

4th-10th house axis
This involves issues about your public and your private life, as well as paying attention to your career and your family. You'll need to find ways to:
Strike a balance between home, security and family with the needs of your career, reputation and drive for success.
Take charge of your private life
Take charge of your career
Start a new career path
Balance the needs of home with work
You have to move state or country for your work
You may move home

5th-11th house axis
This is about finding out what gives you pleasure and maybe turning a hobby into a business. You'll be reevaluating your friendships and the groups to which you belong.
A love affair may begin or end under this influence.
New contacts with others are likely
Try to take some risks especially with your creativity
Develop your self confidence - maybe take up acting or public speaking
Learn about working with others and being a team player
Consider contributing to your community - maybe volunteering

6th-12th house axis
This is all about work, service and health - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It's a good time to:
Get more organised
Adapt your routines
Develop healthy habits and put some new structures into your life
Let go of your fears and old destructive habit patterns
Develop more compassion and understanding of others
Let go of your obsessions and your worries
Focus on the spiritual side of your life and go within for answers
Wow! Mercury's retrograde will begin on Thanksgiving Day (USA), November 24th, and the next day, November 25th, we will experience a New Moon solar eclipse. A second eclipse, Full Moon lunar eclipse, will occur again on December 10th, and Mercury will turn direct on December 13th. This will not be a typical Mercury retrograde, for sure!

When a planet is in retrograde, it appears to be moving backward against the background of the universe. Planets do not actually reverse directions, they just appear that way, because we are not at the center of the solar system. Mercury will be passing us on our solar racetrack, so his gravitational pull and his influence will be much more prominent in our lives.

Eclipses bring changes, good and bad. Most people are resistant to change, and that's why they have such a negative reputation. An eclipse is considered to be 10 times more powerful than a typical full or new moon. Also, eclipses usually come in pairs, one on the New Moon and one on the Full Moon. Occasionally we will get 3 in a row, and they usually occur twice a year.

Mercury will be doing his retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius this time, and the eclipses will be bouncing between Sagittarius and Gemini. Sagittarius, I do no envy you! There could be big changes coming for Sagittarius and Gemini in November and December, and Sag, you may find things from your past coming back up to be dealt with.

Sagittarius is the wanderer, the optimist, and the ruler of higher education. Mercury's retrograde in Sagittarius may stimulate us to visit places from our past, or we may receive some special visitors that we haven't seen in a very long time. This Mercury retrograde will also be an excellent time to go back and brush up on something we learned in the past, or even make the decision to go back to school and expand the education we already have.

Mercury's retrograde often brings up the past, and Mercury's retrograde will be affecting all of us in some way. The houses in our natal charts that Mercury will be crossing will determine what areas of our lives Mercury will affect. An example would be, Mercury's retrograde traveling through your 8th house could bring money from past (and possibly forgotten) loans. Or, Mercury's retrograde in your 5th house of romance could bring a past lover back into your life. Mercury's retrograde with travel from 20 degrees 7 minutes through 3 degrees 51 minutes, Sagittarius.

We often begin to notice eclipse energy up to a couple of weeks before, and even a week after, the actual event. With the Gemini and Sagittarius influence, the eclipses could affect our relationships. These two signs are dynamic, and they will not waste time and energy on a relationship that is not good for them. Geminis and Sagittarians are also known to tease or become rather loud, so there is also a potential for arguments and confrontations. Again, the houses, in our natal charts that the eclipses land in, will determine what area of our life will be affected.

The eclipse on November 25th will be a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees 38 minutes Sagittarius. It will be a partial eclipse and will be visible from the southern most land masses on our planet, including Antarctica. Partial eclipses are not considered as powerful as total eclipses, but this eclipse will be at a very positive aspect to Uranus, the planet of originality. Uranus brings the unexpected. He also will be sitting on the cusp between Pisces and Aries, so he will be even more unpredictable. Uranus will energize our moods, and it will be a great time for a party. Thanksgiving festivities will be lively. Be sure to have the camera ready, because there will be some unforgettable moments.

The eclipse on December 10th will be a Full Moon Lunar eclipse at 18 degrees 8 minutes Gemini. This eclipse will be a total eclipse and will be visible in Asia, Australia, and Alaska. It will also be visible at moon rise or moon set in Europe, Africa, and North America. Because it will be total eclipse, this will be a powerful Full Moon. But, there won't be any major planets aiding or agitating it, so it will be a total Gemini Moon influence. Geminis love intelligent conversations, games and competitions, traveling about, and two of everything. It will be a great weekend for short trips, sporting events, and even holiday parties. Guard against trying to do too much and getting scattered.

Mercury will turn direct on December 13th, and it should be December as usual after that. Don't fret if you're not done with your holiday shopping. There will be some great bargains to be found after Mercury turns direct.

Taurus Man Pisces Woman


Aries women start new diets with enthusiasm, but easily give up if they don`t lose weight fast. The best diet for Aries women consists of fish meat, fresh salads, and fruit juices such as apple juice or grape juice that keep their high metabolism under control. Aries men should have a diet rich in carbohydrates, which offers them the energy they need. Their diet should also be varied, so the boredom - that so easily occurs with this zodiac sign - is being avoided.


Taurus women lose weight slowly but permanently. They have a lot of patience and they are likely to adopt a healthy diet. Apples, grapes, vegetables, and spices such as chili or curry, and whole grains are recommended. They should avoid cookies, candies, and high-fat sauces. Taurus men like to eat a lot but they should stick to the same diet plan as Taurus women.


Gemini women tend to eat unhealthy and in a rush. They should have many meals during the day and avoid coffee or other beverages that contain caffeine, and replace them with tea. Fresh fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, or peaches, and fresh vegetables are indicated for both men and women under the Gemini sign.


Cancer women have a real culinary talent and always feel the need to try new recipes. Thus, they need to have a varied low-fat diet. The recommended foods for both men and women under this sign include fish, grapes, cabbage juice, broccoli, and cauliflower. They should avoid sugar, pastry, white bread, and beer.  Those born under this sign can easily get stressed or anxious, which may lead to ulcer and other gastric affections. That's why a stable eating program is most indicated.


Leo women love freedom, good food and refined drinks. Fortunately, they also have a good metabolism that allows them to stay active. They should eat vegetables rich in iron, such as spinach or broccoli, grapes, coconuts, and raisins. Leo men should follow the same diet as the Leo women.


Virgo women need to protect their sensitive digestive system. The most appropriate diet for them is the vegetarian diet. The recommended foods include boiled vegetables, spinach, salads, whole grains, celery, tomatoes, apples, bananas, and brown rice. Virgo men and women need to avoid fast-food products, the excess of meat, spicy foods, high-fat sauces, or foods cooked with a lot of vegetable oil.


Libras need to drink a lot of water, avoid alcohol and sweet beverages, and have a high-protein diet. They should eat a lot of fish, seafood, yogurt, brown rice, corn, tomatoes, spinach, asparagus, grapes, apples, strawberries, and almonds. Libra men should also avoid cookies and candies and have a high-fiber diet.


Those born under this sign can eat brown rice, green salad, celery, wheat seeds, cucumber, cherries, oranges, and lemons. Scorpio men are very involved in their work and they sometimes forget to eat. That is why their diet should contain products easy to prepare and eat. Scorpio men also like spicy and flavored foods.


For those born under this sign, the best foods that may lead to weight loss are the fruits rich in vitamin C, tomatoes, garlic, and onion. They should avoid fast-food products, sugar, and sweets in general.


A low-fat diet is essential for Aquarius women. They should avoid high-fat foods, candies, and high-fat sauces. The recommended diets include fruits, especially apples and citric, but also dried fruits. Aquarius men should choose a healthy diet for their heart.


Pisces usually like good food but their body is sensitive, and they need a friend to help them start a diet. Pisces men and women need to consume foods rich in iron such as liver, eggs, kidneys, whole grains, dried bean, spinach, green bean, oysters, grapes, dried plums, apricots, and peaches. They also need to reduce the amount of salt in their diet.
Aries is the first sign of the 12 zodiac signs, so it marks new beginning. Aries men and women are born between the dates March 21 to April 19 and ram symbolizes the zodiac. They are freedom lovers, zealous, impulsive and energetic. They have courage and good leadership qualities. Arians are of course frank, gregarious and blunt. Aries compatibility depends on how much the Aries' trite coincides with the partner. On the other hand Taurus is the second sign in astrology. Men and omen born between the dates April 20 to May 21 are in this zodiac. Bull symbolizes it and it is often connected with Zeus. Taurus compatibility like other compatibilities is based on the position and movement of earth, moon, sun and other spheres. In determining Aries- Taurus compatibility individual characteristics are compared and contrasted and then a possible result is reached.

Compatibility between Aries Women and Taurus Men

Depending on the position of heavenly planets Aries women are frank in nature. taurus man pisces woman are ambitious, blunt, high spirited and hard working. Aries women are self centered, zealous about their work, unsocial but generous. These make their personality interesting. Aires women are spontaneous and this makes them interesting to their Taurus male partners. Taurus men are calm in nature which is completely opposite to their Aries partners. They are sympathetic, compassionate and above all social. So as far as 'opposites attract' rule goes, both of them are attracted by their totally contrasting personality.

Aries compatibility with Taurus works because Aries women love the care and passion their Taurus male partners put in their relationship. Aries love their male partner's sensuality and care and Taurus men love their female partner's aggression and openness. Taurus men are attached to family and Aries women want to escape with her partner into her own fantasies. Aries women are controlled by their whimsy and Taurus men is dominated by his sensibility and understanding. In an Aries women and Taurus men relationship each of them fills the lacking in one another. When all the gaps are filled out then the Aries women and Taurus men pair works magic.

<strong>Compatibility between Taurus Women and Aries Men</strong>

Taurus women are sensible, takes time in planning before jumping to a work. But Aries men are impulsive and care less for planning. He jumps into work before thinking. Both of them have to try hard to understand each other.

Taurus women are generous by nature while their male Aries partners are stingy. The women always try hard to prevent their partners from making impulsive and quick decisions. Taurus women are homely and their Aries partners are adventurous. But the women are often influenced by their Aries male partners and are seemed to become outward in their nature.

Taurus women bring romance as well as security in their relationship. On the other hand Aries men bring passion and sensuality. These opposite aspects improve their compatibility if one tries to understand the other. This kind of pair can be successful if both of the partners are willing to understand and sacrifice for each other.
You're wondering how to win the heart of a Taurus man. You've met him and he's amazing, isn't he? He's a Taurus and you know that with the right approach you can make him just as crazy about you as you are about him. The problem is that you're a bundle of nerves around him. You don't want to do the wrong thing for fear of pushing him away and killing whatever interest is there. Fear not. You can get that Taurus man of your dreams to fall hopelessly in love with you. The secret is to know what these men find utterly irresistible in a woman and then showing him that you possess each and every one of those qualities.

Understanding how to win the heart of a Taurus man begins with recognizing that these men don't fall into the category of party animals. If you prefer going out on the town to a quiet evening at home, you have to change your preference quickly. Taurus men love nothing more than having a romantic dinner with their girl and then cozying up on the couch for an evening of movies and popcorn. If you invite him over for a meal that you've cooked, you already will have won some points in his book. He wants a partner who prefers a quiet and reserved life. Show him that's who you are and he'll be attracted to you right away.

Men born under this sign are frugal. If you're hoping for extravagant gifts from your Taurus you'll have to alter your expectations. That's not to say that taurus woman pisces man don't like spending any money. They do as long as it's for something that is necessary and the price is right. That's the very reason you shouldn't be flaunting your new, expensive pair of shoes in front of your guy. If he knows that you foolishly purchased something you can't quite afford, he'll see you as reckless and irresponsible. He's looking for someone who values a dollar just as much as he does.

Trying to make a Taurus jealous in an effort to win his heart is a disaster in the making. These men are notoriously possessive of the women pisces woman taurus man care for. If he feels you're wandering off with another man, he'll dump you without another thought. Don't ever toy with the heart of a man like this. It will surely backfire in your face and any chance you may have had for a happily-ever-after future with him will be gone.

Pisces Taurus Compatibility

Scorpio is a water sign which makes them intuitive and sensitive but pisces taurus compatibility are also fixed in their modality which makes them able to endure change, keeping them focused and determined. The first place to look for star sign compatibility is in their own water element with Cancer and Pisces.  

Scorpio/Cancer. This is an excellent match for you Scorpio. Cancer is not worried by your possessive and demanding nature. You will have to make an effort to reach Cancer, if you stand off they will feel they are doing all the work (and probably are) and they may give up. Sexually you are far more demanding than the little crab ideally wants, Best match: 15 to 22 July Love star sign rating: All the ingredients are there, up to you!  

Scorpio/Pisces. This is heaven on earth. As relationships go they do not get better than this. You soothe each others souls and calm each others troubles. It is a perfect match and an ideal life-long union. Sexually it is as wonderful as the rest of the time you are together. Best match: Any Pisces will be adored Love star sign rating: Grab a fish and hold it close! We must look to waters compatible element for the next best star sign matches. Earth contains Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo.  

Scorpio/Taurus. As opposite signs Taurus will be very attracted to you. In return you will feel a yearning passion for Taurus. There will be much conflict as you clash wills with one another. You are unmovable and Taurus is stubborn. Compromise and understanding are going to be needed. Sexually you will happily explore each others natures. Best match: Taurus born 21 to 30 April Love star sign rating: could be hot!  

Scorpio/Virgo.The two of you are a match that can be very happy or just mediocre. You will most likely stay together because you are both tolerant of each others ways but your overall happiness will depend on how much respect and understanding you show each other. Sexually Virgo can be a little prim and proper for your liking. Best match: Virgo born 15 to 23 Sept Love star sign rating: Warm

 Scorpio/Capricorn. Getting beyond friendship is hard with Capricorn. You are ideally matched as partners in business and will go far if that is your direction. But romantically is a different matter. Capricorn is interested in the material side of life, and you want power! Particularly over people. Sexually you may be too outgoing for Capricorns reserved nature. Best match: Capricorn born 3 to 11 Jan Love star sign rating: Not so hot! The next compatible star sign category is called conjunction and is the pairing of one sign with its own sign.  

Scorpio/Scorpio. This can be a very good pairing. You understand each other and will bond together very quickly particularly sexually. What could tear you apart is the jealousy and mistrust and possessive nature of Scorpio. If you can learn to trust and allow the space for each other that you so require then it could work. Best match: 1 to 11 Nov Love star sign rating: Beware the green eyed monster! Marriages are always supposed to be the most sacred bond, which the bride and groom ties for their life time. There are many other bonds, which a human being shares in his life time, but marriage is the bond, which the husband and wife shares for lifetime. There are many stages in life, but marriage is a phase, which brings a lot of changes in the whole lifestyle of the human being. Its not only the bride, who has to change her home after marriage, but the groom also experiences a lot of changes, with a number of responsibilities and duties coming into his way.

Along with fun, excitement, happiness, newness, a sense of responsibility is also felt both by the bride and the groom. Marriage is for sure the best of the relations, which teaches human being lots of things, starting from the realisation of his duties, to the actual meaning of his life. Also, before marrying their son or daughter to the other person, a lot of factors are checked by the parents, to make sure that the boy and girl make a great couple and do not face major problems in their marriage journey. Among all the factors tracked before marriage, one most important thing in Indian marriages, is matching the horoscope compatibility of the bride and the groom. Indians are very concerned about the matching of the horoscope traits of the prospective bride and groom, which taurus and pisces compatibility relate to the future happiness and stability in the married life of the couple. To make any bond live for long, it is very important for the persons involved to have mutual understanding and have strong faith on each other, on the basis of which they are able to make their bond live for longer. Same is in the case of marriage, where the bride and groom need to have great understanding between each other and their wedding bond should be based on pure trust and love.

Horoscope matching for marriages is taken as the step, towards the finalisation of the marriage bond, due to which I started the article series on the marriage compatibility of different horoscopes, in which now comes the turn of matching the marriage compatibility of Taurus with Pisces. Pisces and Taurus both are extremely of caring and loving nature, because of which it becomes extremely easy for them to experience a smooth flow in their married life. pisces and taurus compatibility both have the tendency to make their life partner feel dependent on them and are quite reliable in each and every phase of life. The determined and the stable behaviour of Taurus are surely going to impress the fish, whereas the bull will be attracted by the Pisces, compassionate and soft behaviour. But, the differences arises, when Pisces, wants to live in his dreamy world and Taurean is extremely practical and want to do things in a simple, right and practical way. The unrealistic and vague lifestyle and preferences of the Pisces can create some complications in the married lives of the two. But they need to give time to each other and their marriage to solve these complications and move towards a smooth track of marriage journey. Taurus has the power and ability to balance the sensitive and emotional nature of Pisces with his practical and compassionate approach. Also, the bride and groom are there to stand by each other in their good as well as bad time, which is exactly done by Pisces, which is further adored and corresponded by Taurean with his sweet and loving nature. The warmth in nature of Pisces calms down the Taurean and makes their relation more strong. Time is what, which this married couple requires.

And, if they get to understand each other well, and then with time, their marriage bond is sure to grow with all the strength and faith complemented with it. Curious about your zodiac sign love matches? Many find this topic fascinating and use it to know the compatibility between two signs. They can see whether their relationship is doomed or headed for success. Sun signs are used in basic compatibility tests; however to get a true compatibility reading it is best to go with both individual's birth charts. Even still, going off the sun sign alone, it can still give you a general idea of what signs are compatible and which signs are not. Every zodiac sign is ruled by an element. The elements include: Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Every element has characteristics that make it unique from the others.

These characteristics of each element demonstrate themselves in a person's personality. The Elements The first element Earth belongs to Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Earth signs are compatible with Water and Earth signs. The second element, Air, belongs to Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Air is compatible with Fire and Air signs. Fire belongs to Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Fire is compatible with Fire and Air signs. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are Water signs; and they are compatible with Water and Earth signs. Love Matches The first sign of the zodiac is Aries. Aries are individuals who are natural leaders and they are highly optimistic. They are most compatible with Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius. The Taurus are known for their stability, dependability and patience. They are most compatible with Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces and Cancer. Gemini is a lively sign that thrives on learning and communication.

Good matches for the Gemini include Leo, Aries, Libra and Aquarius. Cancer is a very sensitive sign that loves to nurture, love and protect. The Cancer does well with Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo. The Leo is charismatic, generous, creative and loyal. Meals are most compatible with Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius and Aries. Virgos are practical, perceptive and consistent. The Virgos best love matches are Capricorn, Cancer, Taurus and Scorpio. The sign of Libra is known for beauty and grace. These individuals are calm, diplomatic and charming. The ideal love match for Libra is Gemini, Leo, Aquarius and Sagittarius. Scorpio is the most intense signs of the zodiac. They are intuitive, passionate and focused. They do best with Cancer, Pisces, Virgo and Capricorn.

Sagittarius is known for their honesty, humor and restless energy. For the Sagittarius the best love match is Aries, Libra, Leo and Aquarius. Those born under the sign of Capricorn are responsible, disciplined and tolerant. Compatibility is best with Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo and Pisces. The Aquarius is a visionary. They are also faithful and idealistic. The Aquarius gets along best with Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra and Aries. The last sign in the zodiac is Pisces. The Pisces is a dreamer and a highly empathetic individual. The perfect love match for Pisces would be the Scorpio, Capricorn, Cancer and Taurus.

Taurus and Pisces

Pisces is a water sign and is intuitive and emotional. It is also of a mutable modality which speaks of flexibility and adaptability. The first place to look for star sign matches is with the other two water signs of Cancer and Scorpio. Will taurus and pisces offer star sign compatibility?  

Pisces/Cancer. Emotionally you are very compatible together, sometimes you just instinctively know what the other person requires for succour. There is the danger of lack of direction here which can be exciting at first but for the long run some firm ground needs to be established. Cancer is moody and can hold grudges, unlike you who forgive easily. You will be very touchy, feely and spiritual. Sexually you will have fire and be very well connected. Best match: Cancer born 2 to 12 July Love star sign rating: Could reach the heavens!  

Pisces/Scorpio. This can be a magical and inspirational pairing that nothing could ever compete with. You understand each other immediately and are in touch emotionally and spiritually. Scorpio will ground you and you in turn will take Scorpio's somewhat intense nature in your stride. Once you bond there will be no separating you. Sexually you will press each others buttons. Best match: Any Scorpio will fit the bill Love star sign rating: A match made in heaven! The element of Earth is the next best place to find star sign compatibility with Pisces. Earth contains: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.  

Pisces/Taurus.You will always be great friends with Taurus. Their practical and down to earth nature always levels you out. pisces and taurus will find your mystical and sensitive ways very appealing although your up in the air way of dealing with life may sometimes mystify them. Taurus likes routine and tried and tested things, they rarely venture into the unknown. You can be indecisive and Taurus can lead you in these moments. Best match: Taurus born 2 to 10 May Love star sign rating: Has the potential!  

Pisces/Virgo. Virgo is your opposite and while opposites do attract in other signs, with you two it may not be that simple. You are emotional and sensitive and make decisions based on your feelings. Virgo is completely rational and all of their decisions are based on logic. Virgo may mistake your dreaminess for laziness and attack you for it, taurus pisces compatibility must temper this reaction if they do not wish to hurt you. The critical nature of Virgo could upset your delicate balance. Sexually you will be a good match for Virgo's reserved nature. Best match: Virgo born 23 to 30 Aug Love star sign rating: Tough, but has possibilities!

 Pisces/Capricorn.You are both very sensitive and receptive but you are not goal orientated, you are driven by self sacrifice and giving to others. Capricorn is very much for self betterment and self-improvement. They are ambitious and drive forcefully for personal gain which is not your goal at all. Understanding is required and this could make the difference between success and failure. Sexually you will feel relaxed and natural with Capricorn. Best match: Capricorn born 1 to 10 Jan Love star sign rating: Could be cosmic! The next place to expect good star sign matches with Pisces is in the conjunction pairing. This is Pisces matched with itself.  

Pisces/Pisces. Sensitive, loving, giving; this could be the love affair of all time. Self-sacrifice and giving to others is where Pisces are at, and if you are giving all that to each other you could have heaven on earth. There can be a danger that because your head are in the clouds so much that nothing will get beyond the dream phase, so some practicality is required. Only Cancer and Scorpio can come close to competing with this match. If you can find some independence and not merely prop each other up it could be fantastic. Sexually you will be sublime. Best match: All Pisces will deliver ecstasy Love star sign rating: A true super nova! Eyes are the best gift of our life and play a major role in our life. Our eyes works as the most sophisticated electronic automatic camera. The pupils of the eyes open for the adjustment of focus; accordingly the muscles of eyes contract or expend to allow the entry of proper light inside. Colours are identified and a proper picture develops in our mind. All the process is automatic. Now due to different reasons if the functioning of eyes is disturbed there can be temporary or permanent damage to the eyes. If proper care is not taken for the eyes diseases which appear mild or the wrong treatment is given, there is possibility of losing the eyesight.  

Astrological factors influencing eyesight: 2nd/12th house: the 2nd and 12th signs of the zodiac rule over the right and left eye respectively. Sun/Moon: Sun governs the right eye and the Moon governs the left eye. Venus/Jupiter: Venus governs the second sign Taurus and Jupiter governs the 12th sign Pisces. Therefore if Jupiter and Venus are placed in 6th/8th/12th house along with the lord of ascendant may cause eye problems. Mercury: governs the sight and optic nerves. Astro analysing different eye diseases: Optic atrophy:
  • Damage of optic nerves by agencies outside the eyes like syphilitic infection, increased intracranial pressure arising from the brain tumour, drug or chemical allergies, degeneration of optic nerves may cause optic atrophy.
  • Affliction of Sun and Moon on 2nd and 12th house and Mercury in heavy affliction in the chart may cause optic atrophy to the native.
  • This is a serious eye disease caused by increase or sudden pressure exerted by eye fluid against other parts. If this pressure is not relieved it will make the eye ball hard, damage retina and optic nerves and may also cause blindness.
  • Sun and Moon afflicted in 2nd/12th house by Saturn/Rahu the native may suffer from glaucoma.
  • The eyes can focus on near objects but vision at distance is blurred. It is also known as nearsightedness.
  • Afflicted Sun and Moon can give problem of Myopia.
Colour blindness:
  • The patient becomes unable to distinguish between red and green colour.
  • The Venus is in heavy affliction especially by Saturn and sign Taurus is also in heavy affliction may cause colour blindness to the native.
  • Due to clouding or crystalline of lenses of eye or its capsule the victim cannot see normal objects properly due to lost opacity of eye lenses.
  • Venus / Jupiter placed in 6th/8th/12th house in association of lord of ascendant and Sun and Moon are afflicted in 2nd/12th house.
  • Afflicted Mercury posited in 2nd/12th house may produce Cataract problem.
Squinted eyes/Boss eyed:
  • In this condition the eyes are not properly aligned to each other.
  • Native born in day time and Moon and Mars combined in 8th house indicated crossed eyes.
  • Moon/ Mars posited in ascendant and aspected by Jupiter/Venus indicates squinted eyes.
  • Mars placed in 7th house aspecting Moon being posited in Leo sign and lord of 9th placed in Aries/Leo/Scorpio/Capricorn squinted eyes is indicated.
  • Mars placed in 7th, aspecting Sun being placed in Cancer sign and Lord of 9th placed in Aries/Leo/Scorpio/Capricorn indicate a boss eyed native.
  • Moon and Sun placed in 2nd/12th house indicate definite crossed eyes disorder.
  • Sun and Moon combined with retro planets in 6th/12th house indicates squinted eye.
Problem in only one eye:
  • Any malefic placed in 6th house gives weakness to left eye and any malefic placed in 8th house gives right eye trouble.
  • Moon placed in 2nd and Sun placed in 12th house respectively gives problems of left and right eyes.
  • Mars placed in 12th house gives left eye problem whether as Saturn posited in 12th house gives right eye problem.
  • Sun placed in ascendant/7th house and aspected by Saturn the native will gradually lose the vision of right eye.
  • Sun combined with Rahu/Mars in ascendant/7th house aspected by Saturn indicate disease of left eye.
  • Moon Posited in Leo ascendant and aspected by Saturn and Mars the native will have diseased left eye.
  • Sun and Saturn combined in 9th house and without having any benefice influences indicate the native will have left crossed eye and Sun placed in Leo ascendant and aspected by Saturn and Mars indicates squinted right eye.
  • Sun/Moon placed 12 and 6th house indicated left eye problem.
  • Sun/Moon placed in 2nd and 8th house indicates squinted right eye.
  • Due to infection, accident or degenerative eye diseases the native may lose total vision temporary or permanently.
  • Sun and Moon afflicted by Saturn in 2nd/12th house and affliction to signs Taurus and Pisces may give blindness.
  • 2nd house is aspected by Saturn and Moon and 12th house have conjunction of Saturn and aspects of Mars the native will be completely blind.
  • Sun and Moon and 2nd and 12th houses become subject to the aspects /association of Mars and Saturn the native may lose his eye sight.
  • Mars, Moon, Saturn and Sun should respectively occupy the 2nd, 6th, 12th and 8th house. The native will be stone blind.
  • Lords of ascendant, 2nd, 5th, 7th and 9th placed together in 6th/8th/12th house may give stone blindness to the native.
  • In Leo ascendant Sun and Moon combined in ascendant and aspected by Saturn and Mars indicates the native will be stone blind from birth but if the combination is aspected either by Saturn or by Mars than the native will become blind after birth.
  • Sun and Rahu combined in ascendant and Saturn and Mars disposed in trine may cause blindness.
  • Sun and lord of ascendant combined in 2nd/6th/8th/12th house the native will be blind from the birth.
  • Mars in 2nd and Sun in 8th house may give blindness.
  • Moon in 6th and Saturn in 12th house may also impair eye sight.
  • Saturn, Mars and Moon placed in 6th/8th/12th house indicates blindness.
  • Mars is the lord of 2nd, Sun and Moon placed in 8th house and Saturn situated in 6th/8th/12th house blindness is indicated.
  • Lords of 2nd and 12th combined with Venus and lord of ascendant in 6th/8th/12th house indicates lost eye sight.
  • Moon posited in 6th/8th/12th house and Saturn and Mars combined in any house shows lost eyesight.
  • From ascendant Moon placed in 6th, Sun placed in 8th, Mars placed in 2nd and Saturn placed in 12th house indicates the surety of losing eyesight for the native.
Eye twitching/flickering:
  • Involuntary eye muscles contraction causes eyelid to flicker.
  • Any malefic planet placed in 2nd house is also influenced by any benefice planet indicates flickering of eye.
  • Moon/Sun placed in Leo ascendant and aspected by malefic and benefice planets indicates eye flickering.
Night blindness:
  • The native is unable to see in night or in dim light.
  • Lord of 2nd combined with Venus and Moon in ascendant may cause night blindness.
  • Venus and Mars combined in 7th house and aspected by malefic may cause night blindness.
General eye problems:
  • Venus posited in ascendant/8th house and aspected by malefic planet indicates constant tears will roll from the eyes.
  • Lord of 2nd is associated or aspected by Sun and Mars indicates redness of eyes.
  • Rahu placed in 5th house aspected by Sun indicates eye problems.
  • Saturn posited in 4th house aspected by malefic indicates eye problems.
  • Mars and Rahu combined in ascendant indicate eye problems.
  • Debilitated Moon posited in 6th/12 house and aspected by malefic
  • Moon is places 2nd to Sun in horoscope and combined with malefic.
  • Moon placed in 10th aspected by malefic without having any benefice aspects may cause eye problems.
  • Malefic planets placed in 4th and 5th house and Moon posited in 6th/8th/12th house indicate eye trouble.
  • Sun is in opposition either to ascendant or to Mars gives impaired eyesight.
  • Sun and Moon combined in Cancer/Leo and aspected by Mars and Saturn indicate weak eyes.
  • Mon and Sun combined in 9th house indicates eye disorder.
  • Mars placed 2nd to Sun indicate eye problems and if Mercury placed 2nd to Sun indicates some mark on the Eye.
Taurus compatibility shows that this down to earth sign does best when paired with other practical signs from the earth and water elements. We're going to run through the list of best and worst astrology compatibility matches for a typical Taurean. The best love match for Taurus Compatibility matches: Taurus and Virgo love match: Earth and earth meet with this pairing, providing a solid, stable foundation for a relationship between two signs that value family and home life above all other things. Expect lots of quiet times at home and an orderly life together. Taurus and Scorpio astrology compatibility: Earth and water combine perfectly with these two zodiac signs to create a strong love that can stand the tests of time. Both of them typically have possessive streaks the can flame into jealousy when paired with more free-wheeling signs. Together they will feel secure in their relationship and feel no fear of wandering eyes ruining the union. Taurus and Capricorn compatibility: Expect to see these two earth signs create a successful life together, not just in their relationship with one another, but with outward symbols of success as well. Both signs are very driven towards achieving goals and together they can take on the world. Taurus and Cancer love match: Earth and water combine to create a strong pairing for these two. The cancer sign will be drawn to the stability and emotional security that the grounded bull offers. In turn, the bull will be able to feel they are the "top dog" in this relationship, enjoying the attention that their crab offers. Taurus and Pisces zodiac love: These two succeed through their differences. The Piscean will offer a touch of adventure and dreaminess to their pragmatic mate and Taurus will provide the stability and strength that their lover often can't find within themselves. Together they will reign in each other's weaknesses and create a strong love match with very few faults. The worst Taurus Love Compatibility match: Taurus and Aries: This earth and fire sign match has two headstrong lovers at it's core. The trouble is, they're both headstrong in different ways. The Taurean needs a domestic focus in life, with family, love and stability coming first. Aries on the other hand prefers excitement, change and passion. The two just can't see eye to eye. Expect a lot of fights between these two lovers, and ways of viewing the world that just don't match up for each partner. It will be a rocky road for this pairing. Other signs that Taurus has difficulty with are Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Leo. They are two free-spirited and independent for a domestic Taurean to find comfort with.

Taurus Man Scorpio Woman

Human beings are not meant to be alone, it is just not our fate. Our lives are continually shaped by interactions with other people. Most of our relationships are due to a greater force. After all here on this earth we are not allowed to pick our parents, children, siblings and co-workers.

Now what about the relationships we can pick. Do you believe we can use astrology to pick which friends, neighbors, bosses and especially a lover or spouse would be best suited for us? It would be great to interact with people who share the same energies and chemistry as we do. Compatibility can go a long way to adding good health and contentment to our lives. Nothing is perfect in this world and there are so many things we cannot control, but let's take a deeper look at how we can use astrology to guide us.

What if we could be mind readers and know in advance whether we would be able to really get along with someone? After all did you ever meet a person whose personality traits drove you crazy? Sometimes taurus man scorpio woman grate on your nerves to the point that you just cannot bear to be around them. Through astrology you can understand a lot of great information about people: emotional, spiritual, intellectual, financial, and sexual. It might not always be right on, but it is interesting and informative to evaluate astrological clues.

According to research these are some great sign mates for love between men and women:

#1. Scorpio Man/Scorpio Woman--Fireworks are everlasting!

#2. Sagittarius Man/Pisces Woman--Very compatible, great marriage choice.

#3. Libra Man/Capricorn Woman--Very positive HOT union, great for the long term marriage.

#4. Aries Man/Aries Woman--Great chemistry, love at first sight, great for the long term and for marriage.

#5. Aquarius Man/Libra Woman--Sizzle in bed, great in marriage.

#6. Aquarius Man/Taurus Woman--Enchanting relationship. Support each other even though they can be different; amazingly enough these two really hit it off.

#7. Scorpio Man/Virgo Woman--Best of friends, loyal, romantic and good marriage partners.

#8. Taurus Man/Aquarius Woman--Spirit of freedom, intimate, share a down-to-earth philosophy.

#9. Aries Man/Leo Woman--Passionate relationship, plenty of sparks! Both have great admiration for each other.

#10. Scorpio Man/Cancer Woman--Heartfelt relationship, greatest of friends and lovers.

These are just some of the great male/female astrological love duos. Many astrological trait matches work because as you tune into the personality type of someone it is easier to live with them and see things from their point of view. Since the fourth century B.C. astrologers have used the stars and planets as guides, because of their impact and influence on the way we live our lives, and relate to each other. Astrologers believe the stars and planets can also give us insight into the future and especially to the future of our relationships.

Love, health and good luck to you.
If you're crazy about a Pisces man and he feels the same way about you, consider yourself a lucky lady. These men are unlike any other men on the astrological chart. Once you grab hold of the heart of a man like this and endear yourself to him, he'll want you forever. When it comes time to take your relationship to the next level, you should have a firm understanding of Pisces men and commitment. You can make a man like this your life partner if you know how to ensure he sees you as his one and only.

One of the most appealing things about a Pisces man is that he fits the ideal of what many women envision as their Prince Charming. When a Pisces man falls in love, it's enveloping. He'll cater to your every need and he'll love you unlike any other man could. He'll likely refer to you as his soul mate and he'll believe it with every part of him. Pisces men and commitment go hand-in-hand when he believes he's met the woman he's meant to be with. So how exactly do you show him that's who you are?

Pisces men need to have a very strong emotional connection with a woman before taurus woman scorpio man can commit themselves to her. Naturally, they are initially attracted to someone based on her appearance, but they absolutely need to feel that they are deeply connected on an emotional level. One important aspect of establishing this type of bond with your man is to always be open and honest with him. He needs and wants to feel like he's with the real you at all times. This can't be stressed enough when it comes to Pisces men and commitment. They can see through a false front and if they believe, even for a brief moment, that you're being dishonest, it can damage the relationship for good.

Being alone isn't something that men like this desire. scorpio woman taurus man become self critical and desperate when they feel they can't rely on the woman they're with. Make yourself available to him as much as you can. Be his number one fan and always support him in everything he does. Your strong and unwavering belief in him will be what drives him to succeed more in life. It will also be the thing that bonds you two closer and closer together.

Scorpio Taurus Compatibility

Trine pairings. Trine will be someone who shares the same element as you: fire, earth, air, water, but does not have the same sign as you. Taurus is an earth sign. Earth signs are practical, stable and use common sense. taurus and scorpio compatibility two other earth signs that will make up a trine pairing are Capricorn and Virgo.  

Taurus/Virgo. This is a very good match. Venus rules you both and Virgo will go hand in hand with you in most things. The Virgo understands your independent nature and will keep you very entertained but may not know when to stop so be sure to let them know when you want some solitude. Virgos can be very uptight so you will need to relax them down, if you can share similar interests this will help the jittery Virgo. Sexually you will have lots of fun and this may help redress any imbalance outside the bedroom. Best match: All good but avoid Virgos born 2 to 11 Sept Love star sign rating:Hot potato  

Taurus/Capricorn. You are both earth signs and both very down to earth, traditional and some might even say old fashioned. You will fit together like a hand in a glove. Capricorn is very supportive and will be behind your every endeavour. Trust is important to you but you must give it to receive it and Capricorn will expect your trust. Sexually it could be a little disappointing and you may have to work at it to get this right. Bes match: Capricorn born 1 to 9 Jan Love star sign rating:Could be the one The next best place to look is the  

sextile pairings which is when two star sign matches have compatible elements. Earth and water are sextile, this matches Taurus with Scorpio, scorpio and taurus compatibility.  

Taurus/ Cancer. This is a good star sign match. Cancer can be moody due to her ruling moon but Taurus could be the calming influence to steady those mood swings. Give each other room to breathe and you could go far. Venus rules Taurus so the femininity from her matches that of Cancer and this will blend well. Sexually will be very exciting and will reach a high emotional plane too. Best match: All are good but Cancer born 15 to 22 July may be a little harder to cope with Love star sign rating:It's a hot one!  

Taurus/Scorpio. Passion, desire and magnetism. You find it hard to resist the attraction of this Venus/Mars combination and the feelings will be reciprocated. There is a strong passion here. However there will be disagreements and Scorpios coldness could get to you. You may have to agree to disagree. Sexually you will be very athletic but you may need more emotions and affection in your love making than scorpio taurus compatibility is capable of giving. Best match: Scorpio born 24 Oct to 3 Nov. Love star sign rating:Opposites definitely attract!  

Taurus/Pisces. You can learn a lot from each other with Pisces showing you the spiritual side of life along with faith and karma and you can show Pisces how to apply practicality to everyday life. Sexually you will have fun but you are not going to blow the roof off. As friends there is no doubt of your compatibility. Best match: Pisces born 20 to 28 Feb. Love star sign rating:could go the course The final compatible stars signs pairing is  

conjunction which is when two star signs which are the same come together.  

Taurus/Taurus. This is a comfortable easy going match and your gentle loving natures will appeal to each other. You will be great friends and also be surrounded by many friends as that is your nature. You like security so together may be reluctant to take any chances in life so one of you may need to take the initiative. Sexually you will respond well to each others needs Best match: Taurus born 21 to 29 April Love star sign rating:Lots of loving There are six more love star signs to place with Gemini and find out their star sign compatibility. These are in the square category which means that they come from an element that is not compatible with Gemini's Air category. Earth and water make up the square categories and we will start with Earth which contains Taurus Virgo and Capricorn.  

Gemini/Taurus. Taurus is methodical and likes to examine all situations thoroughly before committing. This is not your way Gemini, as you flit around like a butterfly from one occupying thought to another, you can spin several plates in the air at one time. This may be a problem for Taurus in the long term. You will have a lot of interests in common and conversations will be long and stimulating. Sexually you may be too stimulating for Taurus who likes a slow pace and this may bore you. Best match: Taurus born 1 to 9 May Love star sign rating: Just good friends  

Gemini/Virgo. Mercury is the ruling planet of you both but this does not really help your compatibility too much. Virgos nit-picking attention to detail could drive you away. Although you may feel secure and stable with a Virgo their serious nature and stern outlook on life will not suit your jocular, impish perceptions. Sexually Virgo will be too reserved and uptight for your adventurous appetite. Best match: Virgo born 23 to 30 Aug Love star sign rating: Don't hold your breath!  

Gemini/Capricorn. This could be tricky as you may feel that Capricorn is dragging you down. They do not seem to have the spirit that you require. As business partners you will do well but romantically it could be a strain. Capricorn is steady and measured and this may be at odds with your gad-about nature. Sexually you will fare well and this could lead you to extend this relationship and see where it leads. Best match: Capricorn born 12 to 20 Jan Love star sign rating: Trying! Water is the final element and contains Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces  

Gemini/Cancer. Cancer is emotional and has mood changes that are difficult to predict, this is due to her ruling moon. You are ruled by your intellect and Cancer by her heart and this could cause a divide between you as you may simply struggle to understand each other. Sexually this divide could carry on into the bedroom too. Best match: Cancer born 15 to 22 July Love star sign rating: Let this crab scuttle off!  

Gemini/Scorpio. Scorpio is likely to be way too intense for your skip-a-long nature. They are going to want to dissect and analyze in depth every conversation and happening, this will drive you to distraction as you often like to skim along the top of most things and not go too in-depth. If you are financially involved with a Scorpio this could work well but romantically it could be a non starter. Sexually they will want more commitment than you can give Best match: Scorpio born 4 to 11 Nov Love star signs rating: Like pushing a snowball uphill!  

Gemini/Pisces. You are very different people. Pisces are spiritual and emotional. They are ruled by their hearts and act impulsively upon their feelings. You are ruled by your head and you may find it hard to understand the spiritual nature of the fish. You would have to show Pisces that you are sensitive to their needs and maybe then, they may teach you a little of their calm. Sexually it may not produce sparks. Best match: Pisces born 20 to 27 Feb Love star sign rating: Place this fish gently back in the water. When looking for somebody who is going to be a love star sign match the best place to begin is with a  

trine pairing. Trine has the same element as your own: fire, earth, air, water, but does not have the same sign as you. Cancer is a water sign and its trine matches will be Scorpio and Pisces.  

Cancer/Scorpio. As a trine match you are compatible but Scorpio will want, no demand, more than you can give. Scorpio are very possessive and you may smother them with affection and it still will not be enough. Scorpio must learn not to force people to their own will. Sexually you will need more love and affection than Scorpios raw sex has to offer. Best match: Scorpio born 24 to 31 Oct Love star sign rating:Could be hot but will never boil!  

Cancer/Pisces. This could be a wonderful matching of two sensitive souls at first, but it could deteriorate into directionless confusion. You can often be aware of each others needs without having to speak and spiritual awareness plays a big part for both of you. Pisces needs guiding along the path of life and love, and if you can lead this fish well and keep their feet on this earth it could work. Sexually you will be as one. Best match: Pisces born 1 to 9 March Love star sign rating:could be inter stellar, could implode!  

Sextile is the next best place to look for star sign matches. Sextile is the pairings which involve two star sign matches that have compatible elements. Water and earth are sextile, which matches Cancer up with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.  

Cancer/Taurus. You both have fluctuating moods and if this is allowed for it could be a very good pairing. Taurus steadies the waters of your swaying nature and stabilises you. You will have fall outs but nothing major and you can teach Taurus of the spiritual side of life. Sexually you will be very exciting together and you are both emotional in your loving. This has very good potential for going the distance. Best match: Taurus born 1 to 9 May Love star sign rating: Hot!??  

Cancer/Virgo. You will have great understanding with Virgo and friendship is always on the cards. Your planet, the Moon, fairs well in the heavens with Mercury that rules Virgo. This relationship plays out well between the two of you on Earth. Problems may arise because you live by your emotions and Virgo is ruled by intellect. Virgos constant requirement for perfection may grind you down. Sexually you may be too demure and emotional to click with Virgo. Best match: Virgo born 2 to 11 September Love star sign rating:A tough one!??  

Cancer/Capricorn. Capricorns are materialistic and constantly striving to attain a position in life, this is at odds with you as money is not your driving force. You both like home life but Capricorn is more concerned with what surrounds them. Sexually you will be straining to get along as you need more affection than this goat can give you. Best match: Capricorn born 22 to 30 Dec Love star sign rating: Tepid!?? The next category that shows promise is the conjunction category and this looks for star sign matches between two signs that are the same.

Cancer/Cancer. Emotional and home loving, caring for each other and for others, there will be so much milk of human kindness going round between the two of you that you must be careful not to drown in it. You will enjoy having children together and your home will be very happy and loving. You could do well together in charitable work or voluntary work, anything that offers something to the community. Sexually you supply the love and emotion that you each need. Be careful not to lose yourselves in each other. Best match: Cancer born 15 to 22 July Love star sign rating: Heady and dreamlike!