Monday, 16 July 2012

Gemini and Aquarius

Leo is a fire sign and shares its element with Aries and Sagittarius. This is a very good place to start when looking for star sign matches as you will have many things in common with fellow fire signs.

Leo/Aries. This is a very hot and full of fire pairing. You both have so much energy there will be more sparks than at a bonfire display. You are both very creative souls and will help and support each other. Aries may not be accustomed to someone who is as powerful as themselves, but they will relish it. There maybe a problem if this Aries thinks gemini and aquarius are going to lead the relationship, there is only one leader when a Leo is in the room. Sexually there will be constant fireworks... and bells and whistles too!

Best match: Any Aries will fit the bill.

Love star sign rating:Supa Nova!

Leo/Sagittarius. You will get along like a house on fire. From the moment you meet it will be like you have been friends forever. But more than this you will be soul mates. An intimacy and understanding will be shared that is like no other you have known. Sagittarius can be brutally honest but you will like this and never be offended. You will travel well together. Sexually you will feel that there is nothing better.

Best match: 14 to 21 Dec

Love star sign rating:Cosmic!

The next best place to find star sign matches is in the element that is compatible with you. Leo is fire and fire is compatible with air which contains: Libra, Gemini and Aquarius.

Leo/Gemini. Gemini make great friends with Leo. aquarius and gemini fulfill you with their intellect and emotions. You need to balance your desires for centre stage if you are to succeed as a couple as Gemini needs the spotlight too, though not as desperately as you do. If you can focus the Gemini mind on what is important you could go far. Sexually you will be a good match.

Best match: Gemini born 14 to 21 June

Love star sign rating:Could work, with work!

Leo/Libra. Air and fire can be a very good combination for the long-term, you will have no problem communicating with each other. Together you will be the life and soul of any party or gathering and may find that wherever you are you seem to be surrounded by admirers who are simply feeding off the energy that you two supply. Sexually you will be well matched and it should be loving and fulfilling.

Best match: Libra born 5 to 12 Oct

Love star sign rating:In orbit!

Leo/Aquarius. You are a hot fire sign and very social and outgoing, Aquarius are less inclined to react in the same way and may find your constant desire to be the centre of attention simply too much. Compromise is going to be required from both sides if you are not going to be constantly opposing each other. Aquarius is your opposite sign but this can often be a good pairing. Sexually you will not have problems getting along.

Best match: Aquarius born 21 to 29 Jan

Love star sign rating:Will take some work!

The next star sign match possibility is with your own sign of Leo.

Leo/Leo. There is a lot of heat and power in this combination. This will either take you to another universe or it will crash and burn at your feet. The big problem is dominance. Who is going to be the top dog? If you can compromise and get beyond your self-centred pride then the result could be staggering. Sexually you are on fire.

Best match: Leo born 7 to 15 Aug

Love star sign rating: worth a punt!
Libra is an air sign which has a positive polarity. Libra shares its air element with Gemini and Aquarius and this is a good place to begin looking for star sign compatibility.

Libra/Gemini.This match looks set to be a good one. You will be the best of friends as you have so much in common. You are both influenced by the intellectual and there will be many lively debates. You both like to be busy although Gemini could be a little too active even for you at times. Sexually you will connect without any problems

Best match: Gemini born 22 to 30 May

Love star sign rating:It's a hot one!

Libra/Aquarius.This is a good pairing for Librans. You will feed an immediate connection with Aquarius which could have a magical feel. Discussions will be many and varied but never boring! You are both sociable and love company. Aquarius may be just a little too permissive even for you with their relaxed attitude to sex but you will be vibrant together.

Best match: Aquarius born 1 to 9 Feb

Love star sign rating:Heading for orbit!

Next we must look to compatible elements to find star sign matches. Air is compatible with fire and fire contains: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Libra/Aries.There are a lot of differences between you and Aries. The ram is bold and forceful and not afraid to make decisions. You will hesitate to follow them as they jump into things before you can analyze them. This may cause Aries to question your loyalties. Sexually there could be a lot of fire between you if Aries has the patience to wait for you to warm up.

Best match: Aries born 21 to 29 March

Love star sign rating:Could be tricky!

Libra/Leo.There will be a lot of emotional warmth between the two of you and sexual fire too. You are sociable and outgoing and you love company and Leo will love you for all of this as gemini aquarius compatibility like to be at the centre of all that is going on. There will be a very strong bond between you both and sexually you will be electric together.

Best match; Leo born 23 July to 2 Aug

Love star sign rating:Fireball!

Libra/Sagittarius.Life will be easy for you with a Sagittarius. Conversation will flow and your minds will seem linked together. There will be lots of love and excitement and if you travel together you will go far! Sexually you will be loving and intimate but Sag must be patient with you as you are not so free natured as they are.

Best match: Sagittarius born 1 to 11 Dec

Love star sign rating: Orbiting together!

The next star sign match to check out is with Libra itself. This is known as the conjunction pairing.

Libra/Libra.Conjunction pairings can be a problem. You will have respect for each other of course but being so alike in character means that every day decision making may be difficult. Sort these things out and you will save a lot of problems. There will be much happiness as you both are full of easy going charisma and Venus your ruling planet will keep you smiling together. Sexually there will be love and intimacy overflowing.

Best match: You could do well with any Libran

Love star sign rating:High possibilities!
Marriages is not a bond for a day or two, it is the relation, which binds the bride and groom for a time which lasts for lifetime. In India, marriages are given great importance and people take pride in performing the marriage rituals with all the traditional ways and ceremonies. Indian marriages are said to have the longest celebration, which last from days to months. The bride and groom have different ceremonies at their respective houses and even many ceremonies are celebrated in common, which have family members from both the sides. All the ceremonies have their individual importance and are considered imperative to be performed for the well- being of the married couple. One more step, which is taken usually in the starting of the marriage, is the matching of the horoscopes of the bride and groom.

Matching the horoscope of the bride and groom, before fixing the wedding bond is taken as the most essential step towards the future of the marriage. In a way, it is the judgemental step, whether the bride and the groom would be able to spend their whole life together. After tying the wedding bond, they are supposed to be together for life long, for which a lot depends on the compatibility of the horoscopes of the bride and groom. Coming to the matching of horoscope compatibility of Gemini with Aquarius, they both have a lot in common and have similar approaches towards life. The marriage relation between the Gemini and Aquarius is believed to move and grow smoothly as both have common interests and compliment each others intellectuality. They take great interest in each others viewpoint and talks, which makes their relation more strong and leads to the development of a great wedding bond.

There are obviously problems or differences in their married life, but none of them has the capability to create differences between them. Another thing, which is very important for the healthy married life is the need of space in the relation to breathe. It is highly imperative that the bride and groom enjoys their personal space and have the freedom to live life in their own ways. This gives the time to the person to recollect himself and come to his original being, so that he is able to give his best in the marriage relation. In case of the Gemini and Aquarius, both respect each other's privacy and therefore share a great bonding for marriage. Life should always be filtered with joyful moments, which could be cherished by the whole family for long.

Also, they are very much in favour of innovative and creative attitude towards life, due to which they enjoy each moment of life and support each other in their innovations towards life. This also adds the flavour of fun and newness in their lives. The unpredictable and the independent nature of Gemini is appreciated by the Aquarius, which adds to surprises and lovely moments in their married life. Geminis are very passionate and positive towards the sustainability of the element of romance in their married life. Aquarius needs to learn this and earn proficiency in the romantic ways to lure his life partner. Aquarians need to make sure that his uninteresting and unromantic nature does not lead to the diminishing of the romantic zeal of the Gemini, as it is a very essential factor for gearing up the marriage relation. Like all other marriages, this marriage bond is also sure to face some hiccups, but if the both the bride and groom understand each other and think for each other's happiness and prosperity, then they can manage to live a happy married life.


  1. you didn't post for 14 July people!! please post for them also I'm waiting!!

    astrology compatibility

  2. I like the way you write. Awesome, keep it up.

    astrology compatibility
