Do you remember the '60's musical "Hair", or maybe your grandparents told you about it! The opening number of which was "This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius", or was that the first line? Anyway, there are different theories regarding the start of the age of aquarius and pisces. What most astrologers agree on however is that we are in the age of Aquarius now.
There are twelve astrological "ages", each one lasting for a little over 2,000 years. However, due to various reasons, forces, factors etc. A particular "Age" can be longer or shorter than that, and not necessarily the same each time round. The twelve "ages" run in reverse order to the usual signs of the zodiac.
That is to say that whilst the usual signs of the zodiac run in the order: Aries; Taurus; Gemini; Cancer; Leo; Virgo; Libra; Scorpio; Sagittarius; Capricorn; Aquarius; and Pisces. The reverse order applies to the "Ages", meaning that before the age of pisces and aquarius we had the age of Pisces, and after the age of Aquarius will come the age of Capricorn.
Some astrologers believe that "Ages" affect mankind in general and also individuals to some degree or other. Whilst others do not believe that individuals are affected so much as civilizations, for example the great Roman Empire was at its most powerful in the "age" of Pisces.
Of course this is all open to interpretation, which makes this such a fascinating subject. Personally I don't see how great bodies of people i.e. civilizations, can be affected without the individuals that make up that civilization being affected. It is possible of course that each individual is affected in a similar way. So each interpretation could be correct.
Many astrologers take the view that the age of Aquarius is the age when humankind takes control of the Earth, and it's own destiny. This being our heritage. Of course one can see an immediate problem here, because if it is true, as astrology teaches us, that we are in fact influenced by the cosmos around us. Then we can surely never be completely in control of our own destiny. Either as mankind, or as individuals.
This makes us mere puppets then? Of course not, we all have choices. In fact one could say that we are in fact governed by the choices we make. Our choices determine the paths and directions we take throughout life, for better or worse. Again, we can come back to everyone being influenced by the cosmos, so are our "choices" in fact predetermined? Complicated isn't it?
Sorry, I do like to make myself think about things. aquarius pisces compatibility I hope I have made you think also. Still, back to the age of Aquarius. Some astrologers also believe that the many crises the world has experienced over the past couple of hundred years or so, such as various "world" wars, civil unrest etc. is in fact due to the fact that we are in the "cusp" between the "ages".
Just as individual signs of the zodiac experience a short "cusp", or transition between the planets and stars moving in their individual sign, the "ages" also experience a time of transition. However this lasts approximately 250 years. So we can see that, depending of course on when you take the date of the start of the age of Aquarius, we could in fact still be in that transition. Not yet fully in the age of Aquarius, and still being influenced in part by the age of Pisces.
During this time it is recognised that, naturally, some individuals will attain the enlightenment of the age of Aquarius before others. These individuals will of course tend to become great influential people. Let us hope it will be the influence for good that will prevail. I personally believe that it will be so. Can there really be any choice?
The Age of Aquarius
Astrologically speaking we are in what is called the Age of Aquarius. Physically speaking we, as a solar system, are in a different space in our Milky Way Galaxy.
Our planet Earth orbits around our Sun in a 365 1/4 day circuit. Man has divided this 360 degree orbit into twelve equal pie shaped sections. We have given each one of these sections a name. Starting with the Eastern Horizon we call the first thirty degree arc, Aries. Next, moving clockwise we have Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. We call these twelve Arcs Houses. Aries being the first house.
Each of the other planets in our Solar System also orbits our Sun at different time intervals. The moment we were born a Bio-Electrical Matrix of the exact position of the Sun and the other planets was photo-engraved on our cellular structure, our energy configuration.
The science of Astrology explains to us the effects of our life that the moving revolving planets have upon us. Our planet Earth, the Sun and all the other planets make up an energy matrix in which we live.
On a larger scale our whole Solar System, as a unit, revolves around our Milky Way Galactic Sun, counter clockwise.
It takes our Solar System 2000 years to complete one orbit around the Galactic Sun. Just think of how many thousands of miles of space we move through with just one 2000 year orbit?
Our Solar system has just orbited out of the thirty degree arch of our Galactic Sun called the Age of Pisces. We have just entered into a new thirty degree arc called the "Age of Aquarius."
Speaking scientifically and physically, we have entered into a new S.T.E.M. Continuum. Space, Time, Energy, Matter continuum.
Spiritually speaking we have moved to a higher level of consciousness area of our Galaxy. We do not know exactly what to expect from this new position in space. But it is really not important to know. It is more important "To Be."
We can already see some of the gifts or the manifestations of the new energies of this place in space. We have the Laws of Quantum Physics, the science of Radionics and Orgone Generation and the INTERNET. It will be exciting to see what the next 1950 years will bring us.
The Laws of Quantum Physics is a gift to us from the Age of Aquarius. Simply speaking, the Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. Spiritually speaking this is the Mind of God, where we live, move and have our being.
So even though we feel that we have moved through a physical distance in space around our Galactic Sun, in reality we have moved in "God's" Mind.
There is no time, past present nor future in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. There is no here or over there space in the Quantum Ocean. There is only the HERE-NOW.
Everything that ever was, is or will be exists in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. The Age of Pisces that we have just physically left and the Age of Aquarius that we have just physically entered exist and have always existed in the the Quantum Ocean, the Mind of God.
We humans are individual souls within the Mind of God, who 'blink out' of the Quantum Ocean and into the self-consciousness of a new incarnation, When our physical life expires, we 'blink in' to the Quantum Ocean. It is an unfolding and infolding process.
It is all on schedule, our incarnations, the Planets, the Solar Systems, Galaxies etc. It is according to some Divine timing plan.
The 'blinking out' and 'blinking in' of man, races of man, civilizations of man are all on a timing schedule.
Only we as individual souls have the gift of free choice. We can choose for ourselves what choices we will make once we incarnate. This free will allows us to choose our thoughts, feelings and actions which will create our present reality.
We now, in the Age of Aquarius, have the gifts and tools of the Laws of Quantum Physics to make more conscious choices.
Have you ever wonder how these signs were formed? How could man see them in the shape they are known to us? Were they actually in shape of animals like Aries, Taurus, or Pisces? Have you ever tried to locate them in sky? Well that is what we are going to discuss here. In addition to this, we will be discussing all signs and their characteristics in brief.
The zodiac signs that are present today were identified by a human being long time ago. Man noticed that after every particular time period there is a different pattern of stars and planets visible in the sky. First thing he could do after identifying these patterns was to compare them to things available in his surroundings. This is how he named all of them: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
All of these astrological signs hold different characteristics but some common behaviors can also be seen between all of them. All of these signs represent the sector of 30 degree of large ecliptic. Celestial bodies like Sun, Moon, stars and other planets are considered to determine them. They are also influenced by the time and location. Currently there are different methods that are used by astrologers to predict the nature and behaviors of these astrological signs but most popular are:
Western astrology
Vedic or Indian astrology
Chinese astrology
All of them are based on same factor that position of The Sun at the time of birth of an individual. They find out the exact position of Sun at the time of human birth. Sun takes a year to complete his journey throughout this circle of ecliptic. There are different periods of 30 days created which starts from Aries (March 21 - April 19) to Pisces (February 19 - March 20). These dates can change slightly by the difference of day as positions and timing of Sun are always changing.
It is said that there are four elements that rule these signs. Each element has 3 signs in it.
Fire element rule Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Earth sign rule Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo.
Air element rule Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.
Water element rule Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
In astrology zodiac signs are also governed by specific planets. We consider only 7 traditional planets for this purpose. Astrologers have termed the Sun and Moon as Lights. Following are the signs and their ruling planets:
Aries: Mars
Taurus: Venus
Gemini: Mercury
Cancer: Moon
Leo: Sun
Virgo: Mercury
Libra: Venus
Scorpio: Mars
Sagittarius: Jupiter
Capricorn: Saturn
Aquarius: Saturn
Pisces: Jupiter
Zodiac signs are classified according to the qualities seen in their nature. Based on it there are 3 types which are:
Fixed type:
These types of signs are of stable nature.
Example: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius
Mutable type:
These types of signs easily adjust them in adverse conditions.
Example:Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces
Cardinal type:
These types of signs are most unstable in nature.
Example:Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn
There are twelve astrological "ages", each one lasting for a little over 2,000 years. However, due to various reasons, forces, factors etc. A particular "Age" can be longer or shorter than that, and not necessarily the same each time round. The twelve "ages" run in reverse order to the usual signs of the zodiac.
That is to say that whilst the usual signs of the zodiac run in the order: Aries; Taurus; Gemini; Cancer; Leo; Virgo; Libra; Scorpio; Sagittarius; Capricorn; Aquarius; and Pisces. The reverse order applies to the "Ages", meaning that before the age of pisces and aquarius we had the age of Pisces, and after the age of Aquarius will come the age of Capricorn.
Some astrologers believe that "Ages" affect mankind in general and also individuals to some degree or other. Whilst others do not believe that individuals are affected so much as civilizations, for example the great Roman Empire was at its most powerful in the "age" of Pisces.
Of course this is all open to interpretation, which makes this such a fascinating subject. Personally I don't see how great bodies of people i.e. civilizations, can be affected without the individuals that make up that civilization being affected. It is possible of course that each individual is affected in a similar way. So each interpretation could be correct.
Many astrologers take the view that the age of Aquarius is the age when humankind takes control of the Earth, and it's own destiny. This being our heritage. Of course one can see an immediate problem here, because if it is true, as astrology teaches us, that we are in fact influenced by the cosmos around us. Then we can surely never be completely in control of our own destiny. Either as mankind, or as individuals.
This makes us mere puppets then? Of course not, we all have choices. In fact one could say that we are in fact governed by the choices we make. Our choices determine the paths and directions we take throughout life, for better or worse. Again, we can come back to everyone being influenced by the cosmos, so are our "choices" in fact predetermined? Complicated isn't it?
Sorry, I do like to make myself think about things. aquarius pisces compatibility I hope I have made you think also. Still, back to the age of Aquarius. Some astrologers also believe that the many crises the world has experienced over the past couple of hundred years or so, such as various "world" wars, civil unrest etc. is in fact due to the fact that we are in the "cusp" between the "ages".
Just as individual signs of the zodiac experience a short "cusp", or transition between the planets and stars moving in their individual sign, the "ages" also experience a time of transition. However this lasts approximately 250 years. So we can see that, depending of course on when you take the date of the start of the age of Aquarius, we could in fact still be in that transition. Not yet fully in the age of Aquarius, and still being influenced in part by the age of Pisces.
During this time it is recognised that, naturally, some individuals will attain the enlightenment of the age of Aquarius before others. These individuals will of course tend to become great influential people. Let us hope it will be the influence for good that will prevail. I personally believe that it will be so. Can there really be any choice?
The Age of Aquarius
Astrologically speaking we are in what is called the Age of Aquarius. Physically speaking we, as a solar system, are in a different space in our Milky Way Galaxy.
Our planet Earth orbits around our Sun in a 365 1/4 day circuit. Man has divided this 360 degree orbit into twelve equal pie shaped sections. We have given each one of these sections a name. Starting with the Eastern Horizon we call the first thirty degree arc, Aries. Next, moving clockwise we have Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. We call these twelve Arcs Houses. Aries being the first house.
Each of the other planets in our Solar System also orbits our Sun at different time intervals. The moment we were born a Bio-Electrical Matrix of the exact position of the Sun and the other planets was photo-engraved on our cellular structure, our energy configuration.
The science of Astrology explains to us the effects of our life that the moving revolving planets have upon us. Our planet Earth, the Sun and all the other planets make up an energy matrix in which we live.
On a larger scale our whole Solar System, as a unit, revolves around our Milky Way Galactic Sun, counter clockwise.
It takes our Solar System 2000 years to complete one orbit around the Galactic Sun. Just think of how many thousands of miles of space we move through with just one 2000 year orbit?
Our Solar system has just orbited out of the thirty degree arch of our Galactic Sun called the Age of Pisces. We have just entered into a new thirty degree arc called the "Age of Aquarius."
Speaking scientifically and physically, we have entered into a new S.T.E.M. Continuum. Space, Time, Energy, Matter continuum.
Spiritually speaking we have moved to a higher level of consciousness area of our Galaxy. We do not know exactly what to expect from this new position in space. But it is really not important to know. It is more important "To Be."
We can already see some of the gifts or the manifestations of the new energies of this place in space. We have the Laws of Quantum Physics, the science of Radionics and Orgone Generation and the INTERNET. It will be exciting to see what the next 1950 years will bring us.
The Laws of Quantum Physics is a gift to us from the Age of Aquarius. Simply speaking, the Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. Spiritually speaking this is the Mind of God, where we live, move and have our being.
So even though we feel that we have moved through a physical distance in space around our Galactic Sun, in reality we have moved in "God's" Mind.
There is no time, past present nor future in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. There is no here or over there space in the Quantum Ocean. There is only the HERE-NOW.
Everything that ever was, is or will be exists in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. The Age of Pisces that we have just physically left and the Age of Aquarius that we have just physically entered exist and have always existed in the the Quantum Ocean, the Mind of God.
We humans are individual souls within the Mind of God, who 'blink out' of the Quantum Ocean and into the self-consciousness of a new incarnation, When our physical life expires, we 'blink in' to the Quantum Ocean. It is an unfolding and infolding process.
It is all on schedule, our incarnations, the Planets, the Solar Systems, Galaxies etc. It is according to some Divine timing plan.
The 'blinking out' and 'blinking in' of man, races of man, civilizations of man are all on a timing schedule.
Only we as individual souls have the gift of free choice. We can choose for ourselves what choices we will make once we incarnate. This free will allows us to choose our thoughts, feelings and actions which will create our present reality.
We now, in the Age of Aquarius, have the gifts and tools of the Laws of Quantum Physics to make more conscious choices.
Have you ever wonder how these signs were formed? How could man see them in the shape they are known to us? Were they actually in shape of animals like Aries, Taurus, or Pisces? Have you ever tried to locate them in sky? Well that is what we are going to discuss here. In addition to this, we will be discussing all signs and their characteristics in brief.
The zodiac signs that are present today were identified by a human being long time ago. Man noticed that after every particular time period there is a different pattern of stars and planets visible in the sky. First thing he could do after identifying these patterns was to compare them to things available in his surroundings. This is how he named all of them: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
All of these astrological signs hold different characteristics but some common behaviors can also be seen between all of them. All of these signs represent the sector of 30 degree of large ecliptic. Celestial bodies like Sun, Moon, stars and other planets are considered to determine them. They are also influenced by the time and location. Currently there are different methods that are used by astrologers to predict the nature and behaviors of these astrological signs but most popular are:
Western astrology
Vedic or Indian astrology
Chinese astrology
All of them are based on same factor that position of The Sun at the time of birth of an individual. They find out the exact position of Sun at the time of human birth. Sun takes a year to complete his journey throughout this circle of ecliptic. There are different periods of 30 days created which starts from Aries (March 21 - April 19) to Pisces (February 19 - March 20). These dates can change slightly by the difference of day as positions and timing of Sun are always changing.
It is said that there are four elements that rule these signs. Each element has 3 signs in it.
Fire element rule Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Earth sign rule Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo.
Air element rule Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.
Water element rule Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
In astrology zodiac signs are also governed by specific planets. We consider only 7 traditional planets for this purpose. Astrologers have termed the Sun and Moon as Lights. Following are the signs and their ruling planets:
Aries: Mars
Taurus: Venus
Gemini: Mercury
Cancer: Moon
Leo: Sun
Virgo: Mercury
Libra: Venus
Scorpio: Mars
Sagittarius: Jupiter
Capricorn: Saturn
Aquarius: Saturn
Pisces: Jupiter
Zodiac signs are classified according to the qualities seen in their nature. Based on it there are 3 types which are:
Fixed type:
These types of signs are of stable nature.
Example: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius
Mutable type:
These types of signs easily adjust them in adverse conditions.
Example:Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces
Cardinal type:
These types of signs are most unstable in nature.
Example:Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn
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