Monday, 18 June 2012

Cancer and Capricorn

The key to understanding the significance of the current Astrological events which will continue through 2010 to 2012 lies in understanding the polarities of the signs that are involved, particularly the Cancer-Capricorn polarity.

These challenging times bring us an opportunity to come together and wake up. Whatever happens in terms of political and world events will be a huge wake-up call inviting us to be 'with' one another in empathy and compassion (Cancer). But first we will be 'squeezed' because we are so resistant to changing our old ways. These 'old ways' took us too far into the Capricorn end of the pole: and at the lowest egoic excesses of Capricorn at that. This led to abuses of power, government, authority and the mis-management of the world's resources.

The grand cross on June 26th, with a full-moon and lunar eclipse, was a very powerful collection of energy that was all about change: service, healing, the breaking down of old systems: political, banking, corporate and institutions. Dysfunctional systems: old organisational and governmental structures (Capricorn) which are no longer working for the benefit of humanity are dissolving as their corruptness, ineptitude and any other dark, hidden aspects are raised to the light (Pluto brings that which is hidden from the depths up to the light) for healing and transformation. Pluto which is, by the way, in the seventh house ruled by Libra and 'right human relations'. It is time for Capricorn the great resource manager of the zodiac to rise to a higher vibration, show the true Capricorn colors and 'do the right thing' in it's cancer and capricorn relationship with humanity. This means a major revolution in all governmental systems as justice, ethics, harmony and re-balancing (Libra) are brought to bear on how we manage the world's resources, and indeed how we manage our human resources to better care for ourselves and our planet (Cancer-Capricorn).

The attitude of 'we are being attacked', and 'something is happening to us' is old Piscean victim consciousness. It is time to awaken to our power. Attributing all of our problems to 'conspiracy theory' is a distraction and a huge denial of our own role in it.

'It wasn't me, it was them'. The 'us and them' duality of the politicians is no longer appropriate. We have a long way to go before the majority of people will experience 'unity consciousness' (the highest vibration of Pisces) but the Age of Aquarius will lead us there, and it will lead us there through the higher Aquarian values of humanitarianism in alignment with the highest vibration of Aquarius' opposite sign Leo: the path of self-realization. The dual approach of 'valuing the importance of the individual, and self-transformation' (Leo), while 'focusing our energies toward humanitarian ends' (Aquarius). This is very different from the lower Piscean vibration: a 'shoal-of-fish' idea of selfless service, with people as faceless components in a collective, cogs in a wheel. Communism rose at the tail end of the capricorn and cancer era. The 'selfless' service of the future will not come as a result of suppressing the individual self, but as a result of true liberation of the mind, and transcending the self. Very different.

Nietsche spoke of three stages in the evolution of consciousness: the camel, the lion and the child. The camel is still asleep, part of the herd, going along and trusting its' master to take care of its' needs. The lion awakens and roars: What about me? The lion is an individual. The lion breaks free from the group mentality, 'mob consciousness', and walks alone. Then through walking alone, standing alone, being an individual, taking responsibility for ones' spiritual development, one awakens into the child: the laughing, dancing, free spirit that (through personal experience) knows itself to be "a true individual 'indivisible' from the whole". (paraphrased from OSHO's Zen tarot)

The events that happen around this Grand Cross will cause us to question how much we can trust those to whom we give over our power: our governments and institutions. We give over our health to doctors, we abdicate our personal responsibility, and then we want to 'sue' somebody when things go wrong. We allow ourselves to be victims: we are camels indeed!

Aquarius is calling us up to take personal responsibility: to be powerful individuals working in service for humanity, not for a faceless 'collective'.

Some Astrologers are suggesting this is a time to keep your head down, ride it through and 'go with the flow'. Well, it is certainly not a time for resisting what is happening. However, it is a time to take responsibility and stand in our personal power. Not like King Canute who is unrealistically trying to hold back the waves: likewise, when the Tsunami is coming, if you stay on the beach and do nothing, you'll be washed away. It is time for action but appropriate, conscious, action. Action whereby you narrow your focus: look to your 'field of influence' as Stephen Covey put it (in "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"). To stop worrying over the things you can't influence and really put your energy into those things where you can make a difference. And you can. We all can.

"<em>It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little</em>." -Sydney Smith

Saint Francis of Assisi said "do small things and do them well" The 6th house ruled by Virgo (Pisces' opposite sign) knows that the secret of health and healing lies not in grand heroic gestures, but small consistent action, paying attention to the details.

Cancer is the sign of emotional intelligence. Too much is written of Cancers lower vibrational traits of being overly nurturing, attached to the home and possibly even smothering. These times call us all to 'quantum leap' to the highest of who we are. Let's look at what the highest of what Cancer has to offer: compassion and empathy <em>in action</em>. Let's not forget that Cancer is, after all, a cardinal sign: cardinal signs take the lead, take the initiative and pioneer new ways of being and doing. No accident that more Nurses are Cancerian than any other sign. Could you imagine managing an ER department? Or caring for three children under 5? Cancer can do it. With ease, grace, justice and above all, empathy and compassion. When the chips are down Mother Cancer gets her priorities right.

On August 6th 2010 we have a true Cardinal Cross: when the moon in Cancer moves into the 4th house (ruled by Cancer). What has been stirring up our fear and emotions from the June 26 Grand Cross and before now has an opportunity to carve out a new way. Cancer comes in to take the lead emotionally, without 'smothering us'. Because we are not victims, we are not babies, we are grown up now - the Sun in Leo in the 6th house of Virgo: the true Self, is healing. Cancer steps in to show us a way forward: how to get our priorities right. On August 6th when the Sun is in Leo: Mother Cancer comes home to, compassionately, show her spoilt children how to grow up and live responsibly.

Once we have balance in the Aquarius-Leo axis, we will have strong self-realized individuals who know their self-value and how to work for the greater good of humanity. A balanced Cancer-Capricorn axis will allow us to use our emotional intelligence and great compassion to balance the world's resources for the benefit of all.

These are interesting times indeed, and the key to understanding these changes lies in understanding the higher vibrations of each sign and the balancing of the polarities, as we each raise our own individual vibration and consciousness.
Today's solar eclipse is the longest of this century.

It exists along the Cancer/Capricorn axis. This axis is of rational, practical means and measures, which provide structure and boundaries (Capricorn) - opposed by irrational sensitivity and selfless love which dissolves boundaries (Cancer). Like all astrological phenomena, this axis is rich in many ways.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, the part of us that just wants to feel good, and unless we feel good we cannot do any good. The moon is the archetype of feminine energy, the capacity and power to receive and the connections we form based on what we receive. The the Moon is like an opening that takes things in and tries to integrate them into our consciousness. We suffer in life because we are not flowing with our true nature. That sense of separateness hurts. The moon is the part that senses we are one and wants to dissolve boundaries that separate us from each other and from our higher Self.

The Moon is the opening through which life enters us. It exists between the limitations of form through our worldly experience and body (ascendant) and the universal, infinite Self (the Sun). The Moon is the part of us that tries to somehow bridge these two completely opposite planes of existence - the limited body and experiences and the universal Self. Our feelings keep us sensitive to what we are doing, trying to connect to things that take us closer to the Self, and bring about growth.

In the highest sense we feel the Moon as the innocent perceptive awareness in the moment. We are all trying to be open to everything - we want to receive everything, without fear or judgment. but it is hard. Life hurts us through the limitations of ego. We feel that hurt through the Moon. We remember other hurts and want to avoid future pain, so the ego builds protective structures (Saturn) and defends this fortress (Mars) and a separate identity forms around these habits - likes and dislikes - histories, etc. Feeling connected through our separate identity comes from the moon. Trying to dissolve it also comes from the Moon.

As for this eclipse,.. The Sun is being eclipsed by the South node in Cancer. The Sun shows innate confidence and power. Ketu is where we have experience that we trust, often blindly. It creates blind spots in us. Cancer is where we are trying to dissolve boundaries, and simply "trust our feelings" (and may act upon that) no matter what.

A need to dig deeply into "trusting your feelings" and "following your heart" is a large theme in this eclipse. We tend to rationalize things based on our feelings, no matter how nonsensical or impractical the thing may be. We often call that "intuition", but much of the time it is not intuition, it is the emotions. Intuition is something deep and silent and not thought about or pondered. It is a deep knowing, without doubt or need for explanation. The emotions are generated based on our preferences, worries, fears and other things.

Look deeply into the nature of how you may base life decisions on how you feel at the exclusion of all other things, especially if there is the hope of connection to people you like, etc. - rather than doing what is actually best for you.

For example, in our career. If we base our career actions solely on how we may feel in the moment or about a person, etc. We will not get very far. feeling good about what we are doing is not the most important thing in life. Much of the time we are not going to feel good. But once we accept this we are actually able to feel good in most situations because the longing to be happy (rather than accept what is) dies down.

As was said, Cancer exists opposite Capricorn, the sign where we want to do what is best in the long term, regardless of how we feel about it in the moment. It is rational and calculating.

Does this resonate with you?

Everyone should try to meditate and connect to the deeper source this evening and really watch your thoughts and mind from 5-11 PM Pacific time. Put out your greatest wishes for your life and humanity. Eclipses are very powerful and not "bad". They are times when the body (Earth), mind (Moon) and Soul (Sun) are aligned.
Capricorn is an earth sign and cardinal. This makes you practical and controlled but also able to initiate change and be creative. So which star sign matches will suit you best?

Let's begin by looking at your own earth element, at Taurus and Virgo.

Capricorn/Taurus. Both you and Taurus are very similar. You are very practical and grounded, 'down to earth.' You will have a lot in common with Taurus as you both have the same old fashioned approach to life and principles. However you can be changeable due to your cardinal influence and Taurus likes to stick with what they know. Sexually you may not hit the mark unless you open up a little.

Best match: Taurus born 21 to 30 April

Love star sign matches: Lots of potential

Capricorn/Virgo. This is an excellent match, as double-earth signs you have a lot going for you. Virgo has the ability to lift your spirits and take you away from your serious side for a glimpse of the fun side of life. In return, Virgo who is often seen as picky and over-fussy to other signs will not appear that way to you. Sexually you will feel very loved and secure with cancer capricorn compatibility which is just what you need.

Best match: Any Virgo

Love star sign rating: Don't let this one get away!

Earth's compatible element of water should be our next port of call. Water is home to: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Capricorn/Cancer. Cancer is an emotional sign and not at all concerned with material gain, which is your driving force. You may struggle to find common ground with these opposing views so a great deal of understanding and compromise will be required on your part. You will be able to offer Cancer a stable home life and this is what they desire so there are possibilities of success. Sexually Cancer requires more loving than you may be able to give.

Best match: Cancer born 22 to 30 June

Love star sign rating: Will need work!

Capricorn/Scorpio. A great partnership for friendship and stability and home life together will be very secure. You are both hard working and industrious, But Scorpio is concerned with personal power and you with material gain. Sexually Scorpio may be far too demanding than your somewhat reserved nature will like initially, you will need to open up.

Best match: Scorpio born 15 to 22 Nov

Love star sign rating: Could go the distance!

Capricorn/Pisces. Pisces are dreamers and not at all concerned with the practical side of life as you are. They spend time day-dreaming which could annoy you and although they can work hard they often do it for the benefit of others, this goes against your desires for self improvement. Sexually you will have lots of passion as Pisces will get through your reserved nature.

Best match: Pisces born 2 to 11 March

Love star sign rating: Will need work!

The conjunction pairing of Capricorn with its own sign is our next viewpoint.

Capricorn/Capricorn. Success is guaranteed in this paring, at least in the financial sector. You are both so ambitious and driven to be surrounded by material success that you will go far. You will both be very busy and so making time for each other could be a problem. Sexually you will be very comfortable but there will not be sparks flying, luckily this is not what you expect from your lovemaking.

Best match: Capricorn born 1 to 11 Jan

Love star sign rating: You could go far!

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