Monday, 11 June 2012

Virgo Pisces Compatibility

We are coming to the end of the virgo and pisces Age, that began around 1 AD. Each Age lasts around 2,160 years, so while we are indeed on the 'cusp' of the coming Aquarian Age, we have about 150 years of Piscean influence yet to contend with. Since we are at the climax, it makes sense to reflect on our track record over the past 2,000 years and see what this Piscean Age has been about. In particular in terms of our collective spiritual growth, and what we can still redeem from it.

Pisces is the sign of 'poets and dreamers'. It's strong connection with the realm of imagination means it is also associated with suffering, delusion and self-sacrifice, mystery, secrets, illusion, self-delusion and escapism. Alice Bailey, in "Esoteric Astrology", also refers to this time as an Age of Glamour.  We are so easily fooled by glamour: anything glamorous, dazzles and enthralls us. As a society we are willing to pay anything for a dream, and neglect what is real. The Movie Industry captures the mood of our time and this is illustrated by how much we are willing to pay celebrities to look good, while we are content that practical workers who contribute something real and tangible in the world, including Teachers, Nurses and health workers, can barely pay their mortgages.

This is the Piscean Age in a nutshell: trying to make a dream real, while ignoring the underlying practical reality. It is an Age of Denial and Fantasy.  We are so hooked on glamor that we have completely lost sight of the underlying reality, which is why we don't experience the degree of spiritual connectedness that our ancient ancestors did. Being held in a hypnotic trance by glamor, actually prevents us from connecting with what is real.

"You live in illusion and the appearance of things. There is a reality, but you do not know this. When you understand this, you will see that you are nothing, and being nothing you are everything. That is all."
Kalu Rinpoche

As we collectively journey through this cusp of Ages from Pisces to Aquarius, it is becoming increasingly difficult for us to tell fact from fantasy and this gets us into big trouble! This is where we need the discernment of Pisces' opposite sign: Virgo*. Just as the qualities of Aquarius' opposite sign Leo, will awaken us to the higher potential of the Aquarian Age, so it will be through embracing Virgoan energy and qualities that we will collectively awaken and break free  from the powerful grip of Piscean daydreaming and 'get real' to the higher Piscean potential of our spiritual reality.

The discernment of Virgo leads us away from a lower Piscean consciousness of imaginary (fantasized) Spiritual ideals, and brings us closer to a real awareness of Spiritual truth. It is not through denying reality that we will come to recognise the truth of our Being, but through accepting and analyzing our reality, in a very deep Virgoan way.

While Pisces is dazzled by image, Virgo challenges us to go deeper and find substance. We come to know for ourselves, in spiritual terms, what is real and what isn't. Once illusion and delusions have dissolved, the higher Piscean consciousness knows itself to be 'at one' with all that is, as a result of very real, substantial direct experience.

As we close out this Piscean Age we are living with the consequences of clinging to fantasized ideals, while failing to look deeper into the truth of our being: our spiritual reality. A look back over the last 2,000 years of war, strife, terror, violence and torture, and we can easily see why this Piscean Age is one of suffering. This daydream is really a nightmare that we need to wake up from.

"The 20th century witnessed the greatest suffering,
<br>with the greatest number of lives lost at the hands of other humans,
<br>in the entire history of the species"
Gregg Braden, Fractal Time, p124

This fact reveals the depth of our collective delusion: we think of ourselves as the most advanced of all societies, and yet this is the harsh reality of our legacy. This seems so removed from enlightenment that one may be forgiven for having doubts if we are even spiritually evolving at all. Individuals with a strong Pisces influence are all too aware of the suffering in the world, and may turn to all manner of escapism, food, alcohol, drugs, movies, games - you name it, we'll try anything to avoid having to face reality. On one level it is actually understandable, the degree of suffering in this world is overwhelming: yet it is all the result of an obsession with, and inability to free ourselves from, the power of our own imagination.

The key to the 'mind's true liberation' (the promise of the coming Aquarian Age) lies in understanding the deeper mysteries of Pisces, including what suffering and self-sacrifice are really about, from a spiritual perspective. But how? This is where the discernment, deep analysis and healing energy of Virgo is needed.

We are evolving in consciousness and we are actually just a quantum leap away from having the consciousness to comprehend the higher vibration, the true spiritual aspect, of Pisces. The 12 zodiac signs are actually 12 Divine intelligences, or 'intelligent energies'. Their influence upon us depends also upon our degree of openness and consciousness.

At it's purest expression Piscean energy opens us up to a real experience of our own Divinity: one-ness with all that is through an individual experience of the Divine.  At it's lowest interpretation, filtered through a 'foggy, confused' human mind, it stimulates imagination, paranoia, and leads us into fearful imaginary realms with the painful repurcussions of illusory thinking. Make no mistake, I am not suggesting that we are imagining our pain. Sadly, our pain and suffering are very, very real.

The important spiritual lesson of Pisces, is that our suffering is real, even though the cause may be an illusion (a mistake, or a lie).

For example: you walk into a room and see a poisonous snake in your bed. You experience the very real physiological effects of terror. You are shaking, your mouth is dry, meanwhile your hands are dripping with sweat, and your heart is racing so fast you might just have a heart attack or a stroke. All of this is very, very real. The suffering is real. Then you put the light on, and realize there never was a snake, it was a cord that had fallen off the curtains. Of course you feel relief now, but at the time your suffering was very real. So real it could have killed you, and yet it was all based on an illusion and not on an accurate perception of reality.

The Piscean Age has been one of suffering through fear and terror. Real fear and real terror based on illusion. The spiritual message of Pisces is that when we fail to perceive our reality correctly, fear and terror result. The solution is to return to wholeness, using the discernment of Virgo to perceive the whole of our reality, as it actually is. On a deeper spiritual level Virgo knows that all matter is spirit in physical form. As we continue living through the cusp of Ages we'd be wise to remember it.

*The opposite pole of any sign is a spiritual 'gateway' in the sense that it opens us up to the higher spiritual potential of our own sign. By embracing the energy and character of the opposite sign we energetically create an evolutionary loop (like the 'figure of eight' inifinity symbol) that enables a quantum leap to a higher Soul vibration.  Here we are not speaking about individuals with these qualities, or signs, but our collective spiritual evolution. It is our global society that has been lulled into a Piscean-like trance with the 'cultural traditions' of each country forming part of it's own 'glamour', as it contributes to our collective illusion of separation. Neither does it mean that all Virgo individuals are enlightened: there is a distinction between the Soul-vibration of a sign, and it's personality expression.
Marriages are made in heaven, is a common quote which symbolises the sanctity of marriage bond. Choosing a perfect life partner is a dream which every bride and groom wants to accomplish, but everything is destined. Everything in life, whether its normal life decisions or the marriage related, everything is fixed. Families try and search the best life partner for their children and see they are blessed with all the good things in life. Marriage decisions are made by god, humans are there just to implement on the same. Whatever happens is according to the decisions made by god, humans are just the sources. Still Indians prefer taking all the precautions, before they take any steps related to marriage. Marriages in India are given the prime importance and a number of steps are taken to check the future of the marriage bond. One of the major steps, which most of the Indian families take before fixing the marriage bond of their children is the matching of their horoscopes.

Horoscope matching for matrimony is a very common practise in India, and especially Hindus follow it vigorously. They are very particular about going as per the horoscope results and marrying their children accordingly. Moving further with the horoscope articles now comes the turn of matching marriage compatibility of Virgo with Pisces. There are possibilities of the marriage bond between Virgo and Pisces, going both ways, either good or bad. It depends on the bride and groom, how and where they want to take their marriage bond and what result they want to give to the auspicious wedding.

Virgos are very determined in their wants and they are very clear about what they want from life and how to proceed towards it. Whereas, Pisces are totally the opposite, they are not very sure where they want to lead and how would they go about it. This makes it difficult for the bride and groom having Virgo and Pisces sun- signs to be together. Virgos are much organised and on the other hand, Pisceans love to live in their dreamy world. This ways it gets difficult for the married couple to lead their lives, therefore they are advised to understand and compliment each others habits. They can make their marriage bond work, as opposites attract and so can both of them have a happy life after marriage.

Virgos have the habit of forming opinions about others and on their different aspects of life, which restricts them to a particular thinking and makes it difficult to accept different situations of life. On the other hand, Pisceans have a very broad thinking and they are able to adjust themselves in different situations of life. This also makes it easier for the Pisces to have a satisfactory married life. Virgo is someone, who wants perfection in every part of his life, whereas the Piscean has a chaotic lifestyle, which creates clashes between the two and affects the strength of their marriage bond. The compatibility of Virgo and a Piscean goes in the negative direction, again when the Virgo is not able to express his feelings. A Piscean is very romantic and expects the same from his life partner, but the Virgo is not able to fulfil his wishes and adds fuss between their marriages.

The bride and groom need to make loads of efforts to make their marriage work and let their life move with a happy mode. Adjustments and compromises is the basic requirement in their virgo pisces relationship, implementing which, makes it easier for them to deal with their married life. There are ups and downs faced by this marriage bond, which can lead it either to success or towards failure.
People often approach other people when they encounter problems or issues in their lives, be it in love, virgo pisces compatibility relationships, or family. Surely they can be of great help to us as they are the ones who know us really well, but never better than we do ourselves. However, with the continually increasing popularity of horoscopes and astrology, including the Chinese zodiac signs, it cannot be denied that people today are also referring to these concepts in dealing with said issues.

Today, people not only refer to astrological signs when dealing with family and personal issues. They also do it for career-related issues. This is actually a good thing as our work is what eats up a good portion of our time. It is the workplace where we spend much of our time at. From Mondays through Fridays, we spend at least 8 hours at work. Sometimes even, we go beyond this time requirement and render overtime work. Sometimes still, people even work on weekends or holidays to earn more or finish up some long overdue assignment. This much time that people spend in the workplace is more than enough reason to use horoscopes and astrology signs to advance one's career or simply for career growth.

When people work, we always want to work in a conducive environment where there is harmony and peace. We do not like to work with a colleague that we cannot seem to decipher or someone who is difficult to deal with. However, much as we want this to happen all the time, things do not go this way always. People everywhere, including those at work, have varied personalities. And this variety can cause clashes between and among co-workers. So how can we avoid this and create a more wholesome environment at work?

Here are a few things to remember using astrology.

1. Cardinal signs like Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn are people who are born leaders. They have all the initiative to work and lead a group and are very work and action-oriented. They can be relied upon when making decisions.

2. Fixed signs which include Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius are people who like to stick to doing a particular task. This is even if the said task has already become a routine. However, even if they can be a bit stubborn, they are also reliable people.

3. Mutable signs like Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces are those that excel when it comes to customer service or treating the consequences of a changeable environment.

4. The sun signs may also be considered. Fire signs like Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are energetic and optimistic, seeing everything that is good.

5. Earth signs like Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are practical and are particularly good at balancing the cash flow of the company.

6. Air signs like Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are great with ideas. They are very much useful especially during brainstorming.

7. Water signs like Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces are great with responding to customer needs.

Though personalities may clash, astrological signs and astrology in general can help turn these differences into something useful. People just have to learn how to do it.

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