Monday, 18 June 2012

Sagittarius Cancer Compatibility

For a long time I had on my website detailed descriptions of the compatibilities between the twelve star signs. I even gave them star ratings. The sagittarius cancer compatibility relationship between Aquarius and Cancer got one star, between Aries and Capricorn three stars and between Virgo and Capricorn five.

Looking at the traffic to my website, it was clear that most of my visitors wanted to know about their love life, and in particular their compatibility with their real or hoped-for partners. While I was grateful for this traffic, it seemed out of balance and didn't reflect what I wanted to concentrate on. I therefore changed the website, and took down all the pages about star signs and compatibility.

That doesn't mean to say that I am not interested in star signs and romance. Far from it. In the mid-1990s I co-authored a book called Sex, Stars and Seduction, which I am afraid is long out of print. The book was packed with information about the interaction between the twelve signs, and I really do believe that as far as astrology and love are concerned, I know what I'm talking about.

Nonetheless it's important to get stars signs in perspective. Prior to the Twentieth Century astrologers didn't categorise people according to their star signs and they certainly didn't use them to assess romantic compatibility.

However just because a technique has little or no tradition doesn't mean that it's irrelevant. By comparing the star signs of two people you can get valuable information about the nature of their cancer and sagittarius compatibility relationship. You should realise, though, that star sign compatibility is unlikely to give you an indication of whether or not a relationship will work.

As for the basis of star sign compatibility, it's all about angles. The twelve signs of the Zodiac are at different angles to each other, and some angles are easier than others. These angles increase by thirty degrees, because the circle of the Zodiac has 360 degrees, and 360 divided by 12 is 30. So we have the sequence 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180.

The sign pairs are as follows:

0 degrees: Aries-Aries, Taurus-Taurus, Gemini-Gemini, Cancer-Cancer, Leo-Leo, Virgo-Virgo, Libra-Libra, Scorpio-Scorpio, Sagittarius-Sagittarius, Capricorn-Capricorn, Aquarius-Aquarius, Pisces-Pisces.

30 degrees: Aries-Pisces, Aries-Taurus, Taurus-Gemini, Gemini-Cancer, Cancer-Leo, Leo-Virgo, Virgo-Libra, Libra-Scorpio, Scorpio-Sagittarius, Sagittarius-Capricorn, Capricorn-Aquarius, Aquarius-Pisces.

60 degrees: Aries-Aquarius, Aries-Gemini, Taurus-Pisces, Taurus-Cancer, Gemini-Leo, Cancer-Virgo, Leo-Libra, Virgo-Scorpio, Libra-Sagittarius, Scorpio-Capricorn, Sagittarius-Aquarius, Capricorn-Pisces.

90 degrees: Aries-Capricorn, Aries-Cancer, Taurus-Aquarius, Taurus-Leo, Gemini-Pisces, Gemini-Virgo, Cancer-Libra, Leo-Scorpio, Virgo-Sagittarius, Libra-Capricorn, Scorpio-Aquarius, Sagittarius-Pisces.

120 degrees: Aries-Sagittarius, Aries-Leo, Taurus-Capricorn, Taurus-Virgo, Gemini-Aquarius, Gemini-Libra, Cancer-Pisces, Cancer-Scorpio, Leo-Sagittarius, Virgo-Capricorn, Libra-Aquarius, Scorpio-Pisces.

150 degrees: Aries-Virgo, Aries-Scorpio, Taurus-Libra, Taurus-Sagittarius, Gemini-Scorpio, Gemini-Capricorn, Cancer-Sagittarius, Cancer-Aquarius, Leo-Capricorn, Leo-Pisces, Virgo-Aquarius.

180 degrees: Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Aquarius, Virgo-Pisces.

The starting angle is  zero degrees. In other words where two signs are the same. For example a sagittarius and cancer compatibility relationship between two Taureans, or two Geminis. Astrologers generally regard this as being fortunate. Two people with the same star sign will often have a similar approach to life, and the mutual chemistry can be quite compelling.

Yet it's possible that the strong compatibility is too much of a good thing. The couple could get in each other's way, and start cramping each other's style. Also, if it's a heterosexual relationship, the woman may be attracted to the man because he reminds her of her father. This mightn't always be healthy.

The next angle is 30 degrees, and this describes two signs that are next to each other. Like Aries and Taurus, or Leo and Virgo. On the face of it two signs that are next to each other won't get on very well, because these signs will always be very different from one another. In practice 30 degree relationships often work well, and this might have something to do with the fact that the planets Mercury and Venus are never too far from the Sun.

So a lot of people with the Sun in Leo will have Mercury or Venus, or both, in the following sign of Virgo. As a result many Leos can form excellent relationships with Virgoans.

Probably the best angle is 60 degrees, where the signs are two apart. For example Aries-Gemini, or Virgo-Scorpio. There's a general sympathy between the two signs, but they're sufficiently different not to step on each other's toes. So if you're looking for a long-term relationship, with minimal aggravation, this might be the combination to go for.

Signs which are 90 degreesapart are often powerfully attracted to each other, even though their differences tend to outweigh their similarities. There might be passion, but there could also be plenty of arguments.

An example of a 90 degree relationship is that between Bill and Hillary Clinton. He's a Leo, she's a Scorpio.

Relationships between signs that are 120 degrees apart can be very harmonious. Things run smoothly, and there's a natural understanding between the two parties. It's because signs that are 120 degrees from each other have the same element. So Taurus and Capricorn are both Earth signs, Libra and Aquarius both Air signs.

When signs are 150 degrees apart they have nothing in common, all things being equal, and it's probably a combination to avoid. Though it doesn't seem to bother Barack and Michelle Obama, who are respectively a Leo and a Capricorn.

The most interesting pairs are those that are 180 degrees apart. The two signs are on opposite sides of the Zodiac, and there can be a compulsive chemistry.

However just because two people are attracted to each other doesn't mean that they should have a relationship. The 180 degree combination can be stormy and even self-destructive.

Criminal duo Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow - better known as Bonnie and Clyde - had their star signs 180 degrees from each other. Bonnie Parker was a Libra, Clyde Barrow an Aries. Their relationship was dynamic and exciting, but it ended in a hail of bullets.

Of course that's an extreme example. 180 degree relationships don't have to end badly, but there's a fundamental tension, that could have explosive results.

I've now covered the underlying structure of star sign compatibility. It's clear that the star sign approach to relationships is very general, and it's hampered by the fact that it doesn't take into account other factors in the horoscope, for example the Moon, Venus and Mars.

Given these circumstances, you should avoid getting either excited or disappointed by star sign compatibility. If you're an Aries, and you're crazy about someone who is also an Aries, don't think that just because you've got the same star signs you can have a happy relationship with them. On the other hand if you're a Leo, and you've just discovered that the man or woman of your dreams is a Pisces, don't cry yourself to sleep in despair!

Instead regard star sign compatibility as a way of giving yourself some extra information. It can provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of a particular relationship, and it can give you guidance about the best way of interacting with your partner.

And given the general nature of this kind of astrology, I would strongly recommend that you don't accept or reject someone just because they've got the 'right' or 'wrong' star sign.
Finding the best possible love match is always a challenge regardless of your zodiac sign. If you're a Sagittarius, however, you may be having a little bit more difficulty than others due to your unique personality traits. You see, Sagittarians are unfailingly hopeful and optimistic which leads them to see true love where it doesn't exist. Sagittarians have to be very careful to choose a partner based on true compatibility rather than hopeful daydreams.

What is the best love match for Sagittarius? Sagittarius is compatible with several other zodiac signs as well as Sagittarius itself. Compatible signs are: Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Libra. Each sign has its own unique characteristics, both compatible and incompatible. It is up to Sagittarius to weed through the varying characteristics in order to find what works best.

Sometimes the greatest challenge that a Sagittarian faces is finding suitable dating partners. If you are having similar difficulties, the following tips will give you ideas about where to look for love:

·    Internet dating sites are great because they allow you to search for people based on astrological compatibility. Once you know what signs you are compatible with, you can browse profiles belonging to people born under compatible signs. Online dating also allows you to get to know someone before you meet them. And you will find that you can be more open and ask more direct questions online than you could in a traditional dating situation. Plus, there's no confusing sexual attraction to deal with. You can get to know the actual person first before all of the sexual tension arrives.

·    Even though blind dates are dreadful, your friends could be a great asset when it comes to finding love. For starters, they know you; they know exactly what you're looking for and can pre-screen potential dates. In some cases, they may know who will be perfect for you before you even have the slightest idea about what you want. So, don't avoid your friends' matchmaking attempts. You may be surprised by how well they do.

·    Actively look for love where you spend the majority of your time. Strike up conversations with people at school or work. A bonus of dating someone who you know already from work or school is that you already have something in common. Having something in common gives you a lot to talk about so there will never be awkward, silent moments.

What is the best love match for Sagittarius? Someone who is truly compatible in multiple areas is ideal. Astrological compatibility is a great place to start, but there is more involved. Get to know the person before you make any life-altering decisions. If you're unsure, ask for advice from friends and family members. They know you better than you think they do. They could end up steering you clear of heartache or straight into the arms of your soul mate.
There is a final category in which to look for your star sign matches and that is the square category. These are the star signs that are in elements  that are not compatible with each other. Cancer is water and is not compatible with Fire and Air. Fire contains Aries, Leo and Sagittarius and Air contains Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Cancer/Aries. You are home loving, home-building people. You like cosy nights in front of the fire and like to know exactly where you stand with your partner. This may be at odds with Aries fun-loving gregarious nature. You are both in the mode of cardinal which makes you creative and changeable. Your desire for change is far less than Aries and you will need to tone the ram down a little, if that is possible with an Aries. If you can control your jealous nature and let your Arian be free, as they were born to be, it could work. Sexually you will click. Best match: Aries born 21 to 29 March

Love star sign rating:warming up!

Cancer/Leo. This is an interesting combination. Leo has fire and demands attention which you are happy to supply. Leo is the Sun to your Moon and this plays well in the heavens. Compromise is required from Leo to fully appreciate the crab. If you can find a way of balancing yourselves and allowing space for emotional growth you could go far. Sexually you will have lots of passion and fire in between the sheets

Best match: Leo born15 to 22 Aug

Love star sign rating:hot 'n' steamy!

Cancer/Sagittarius. Sagittarius may seem your ideal man at first but the cracks will soon start to show. Sagittarius always speak their minds and they may not mean to, but sometimes they can be blunt. Your shell may not be thick enough to take the beating and friction could develop. Sagittarius would have to make a dramatic change for this combo to work. Sexually you can make music but it may not be a symphony.

Best match: Sagittarius born 1 to 10 Dec

Love star sign rating:Hits a bum note!

Cancer/Gemini. You are emotional and have mood changes that are difficult to predict, this is due to your ruling moon. Gemini is ruled by intellect and Cancer by your heart and this could cause a divide between you as you may simply struggle to understand each other. You may struggle to reach the Gemini heart and for you there is no love unless you are able to do this. Sexually this divide could carry on into the bedroom too.

Best match: Gemini born 2 to 10 June

Love star sign rating: compromise is needed!

Cancer/Libra. This will be a very challenging relationship. You like your peace and quiet and Libra will want to be social and gregarious. There will be many differences except when it comes down to making money and you could do this very successfully. Sexually you will bond as you both like the cosy emotional side of love

Best match: Libra born 24 to 30 September

Love star sign rating:A struggle!

Cancer/Aquarius. Aquarius is a lover of freedom and you love hearth and home, so you may be spending many nights alone in front of that fire waiting for your Aquarian to come home. Aquarians blow hot and cold and you will often be confused as to where you stand with them or even if you stand with them at all. Sexually you could be energetic together but it will not fulfil your needs.

Best match: Aquarian born 10 to 19 Feb

Love star sign rating:too much trouble!

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